1260 Quick Shifter

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by manxxl, Apr 6, 2019.

  1. Afternoon All. Recently had Ducati quick Shifter installed on bike (base model) and been working perfectly, 3 days ago I put 14t front sprocket on and only test road it today but the down shift isn't working.
    Is what I've done connected
  2. Mine doesn’t either. It’s a brand new 1260PP.

    It’s in for its 1st service soon, so hopefully they’ll sort it.
  3. Oh, my upshits are perfect it's just down doesn't work
  4. Sorry if it's stating the obvious but, have you got the throttle completely closed?
  5. Yes I've been using it flawlessly since it was fitted, just today it stopped working on down shifts
  6. Happened to mine as well - intermittently - just the down shift; not good when you need a lower gear just before a bend.
    The sensor just above the gear lever was changed out under warranty and it been fine since, that was about 5k miles ago.
  7. Have you tried to recalibrate. There is a menu item that allows you to recalibrate after a tyre change. I would assume that a 14 tooth front would definitely need to be done. You set the option and then ride at 30mph in second gear and it tells you when it's done.
    Hope it helps
    #7 SMG, Apr 6, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2019
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  8. Aye, that sorted it. Now works perfectly.

    Thanks for the tip.
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  9. Out of interest, how many monies would one be looking at for the quickshifter +fitting?

    I've come off an RSV4 onto the the Multistrada, and am finding going back to manual shifting to be a bit of a bore!
  10. Hi,I had mine fitted to my 1260 base model £196 for the part plus labour to fit.
    You could fit yourself then just get Ducati to activate it.
  11. Wow, I was expecting it to be much more than from Ducati. I'll have to make a call!

  12. When I picked up my new Diavel that has up/down QS I was told not to use the downshift for a couple of hundred miles to let it all bed in.
  13. I've read this issue previously and the solution was re-calibration of the drive ratio and tires.
    You can do this yourself. Read your owner's manual on page 172.
  14. Does anyone know where on the base 1260 the DQS plug is located? I ordered a Ducati quick shifter and plan to install it myself, but I’m wondering where on the bike the plug is located and whether I can switch on the DQS function from the menu myself without having to take it to the dealer.
  15. 15902432040533660379984797938994.jpg
  16. It's the little white plug in photo, but I think it has to be activated in the ecu by Ducati service
  17. Same problem on mine after changing sprockets. I'll try the re-calibration tomorrow
  18. The occasional 'pause' when changing up from second to third while on full throttle can be quite, erm......interesting to say the least. Tickling it up rather than being firm can result in some embarrassing red line neutrals too. I've no chance with the downshift lol.
  19. hi, could someone share a part no.?
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