Öhlins Du143

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Christopher Lang, Apr 7, 2019.

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  1. Anyone got an Öhlins DU143(S46PR1C2B)rear shock for sale to suit 748 916 996 998 ?
  2. Hi Chris. Hope all’s well with the new venture...

    I got mine (du1430) off Tom Irvine a couple of years ago. I was speaking with Tom a couple of weeks ago and he told me he had just sold another a few weeks before. Might be worth asking him if he might be getting another anytime soon.

  3. Thanks for that will contact him!!
  4. Hooray! Finally managed to find a DU143 thanks to Tom.New venture is now up and running,going fulltime February!!
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  5. Cool! Was it a 430 or 1430 in the end? I saw it advertised this morning on Facebook!
  6. So thread closed?
  7. Ye it was a 1430 off a 996 rs corse.
  8. Yes thread closed.Thanks
  9. Thread closed
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