Diavel My Diavel Won’t Unlock ?

Discussion in 'Diavel & XDiavel' started by CNX, Apr 21, 2019.

  1. My Diavel won’t unlock the steering, it shows unlock errror at the display? It feels like the relay send power to the lock when I put my hand on it seem like it try to pull the lock back, but somethings block

  2. Can you unlock it using the PIN number?
  3. No.....it also didn’t work, anyway took the immobilzer off and send it to some professionals, It’s made not to open.....not sure if it solenoid or mechanic problem inside
  4. I did try to connect a pc first but it couldn’t update fast enough before ignition turn off....I see a guy from YouTube had the same problem some years ago, but he never came with a conclusion ( only he sold the bike later ha ha )
  5. ae235.jpg
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  6. :bucktooth: He He good idea...found out you actually can remove the immobiliser/lock just take some time
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