Anyone Had A French Speeding Ticket....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by richgilb, May 9, 2019.

  1. A visit in UK from debt collectors?
  2. I was caught speeding in France several years ago and paid most of the €750 fine by drawing out as much as I could at the local cash point. The Gendarmes had a chat with the public prosecutor who agreed that it was ok for me to pay slightly less than the fine if that was all I could get. He knew that I had missed my ferry home and would have to stay the night and buy another ferry ticket. When we did the paperwork at the police station I was told that there would be nothing further done on my case. I would not have to go to court.

    A few weeks later I got a letter from France saying that at the court case for my offence they had increased the fine and I owed them some money. As the letter’s delivery was not recorded I ignored it and have heard nothing since. I have been to France since on the same bike without any issues, I haven’t been stopped by the police either, but I have been though French border controls.

    Since my offence I have had a French council flat and bought property in France and am about to have a French civil partnership (PACS), so I suspect that there is no outstanding warrant for my arrest for non-payment of the fine.
  3. I worked in Paris for a while and ignored enough parking tickets to carpet a house, made great insulation for the van floor, never heard a thing, this was quite a few years ago though. would love the opportunity to get some speeding fines on the continent. If it were me, I would ignore the letter.
  4. That the French are great
  5. Great, thanks....
  6. I got a letter from a UK debt collector saying they had been instructed by German authority to peruse me for payment and it stated what the costs would be if I paid now , paid later or left it for them to come and see me .
    I looked up the debt collection agency who were legitimate and there website said they acted on behalf of European authorities . Just as an aside 20 years ago I got done in Switzerland , I was towing a Caravan but don't hold that against me and they really did knock on my door one morning at 6am as I was going out to work . I paid them too.
  7. Presumably you replied to the letter? You said earlier you had a visit to your house from the collection agency??

    Switzerland on the other hand is a complete nightmare, best off leave your vehicle at the border and walk :)
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  8. Spot on if you are physically stopped. It will be exactly that.
    However not clear what will happen if you trigger a speed camera in Europe now. I don’t think they. An pursue it anymore as they won’t have access or DVLA database.
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  9. Do European police forces have a live number plate recognition system like the UK do ? Andy
  10. I’ve got enough European speeding fines to compete with the best of them and have NEVER had a single issue and I have been stopped.

    I’ve heard all sorts of wonderful stories that you’ll be stopped at the border or that if the police stop you they’ll check up and you’ll get bummed. I’ve never once seen or heard of that happening in reality.

    germany as far as I’m aware are the only country with a data base for driver details (most eu countries operate on vehicle) which makes things difficult to Pursue. The Belgians don’t even bother sending them to me.

    As mentioned previously on here. They send you letters, usually with every letter you’ll notice that the text gets bolder and redder. They give up eventually. I’ve got some dating back to 2010 :)

    with this new news you should have even less to worry about.

    it is a different story if you get stopped for speeding obviously. Aka the coppers stop you because they’ve caught you.

    speedcameras however are no problem
    #32 Advikaz, Jan 13, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2021
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  11. Yes I agree, and wouldn't pay any mailed speeding fines from any EU countries from now on. I wouldn't worry too much about problems in the future as if they arose; the chances are the worst would be paying the fine is asked on a subsequent trip.

    If I got a speeding ticket in Switzerland, I would either pay it or never go back. The Swiss regard speeding as a criminal offence which is why the fines are massive. They do not cancel your ticket after non payment. I lived there for five years and locals who "can't pay" have to go to jail for a day earning them a 160CHF credit until the fine amount is accounted for. Serious!

  12. Yeah the Swiss are next level. Someone I know got a 5k euro fine and they weren’t even that far over the limit ffs.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Switzerland is apparantly the safest country to cross the road in.....I might have made that up
    • Funny Funny x 3
  14. If you’re physically stopped by plod in France, Spain etc, you’re still screwed. But from now on if you receive a fine from speed cameras in Europe, you can file them in the bin. I guess that’ll work for them over here too.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Last one I got from France was returned with the name and address of someone on the local tinker site never heard another word...I was doing bang on speed limit in France gps confirmed and got flashed so fk em
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  16. My sister got a €800 fine in Switzerland. And as you say, ridiculous. I think she was doing 57kmh in a 50kmh zone. She wasn’t happy.... The same day she had to buy a new rear tyre as ran over a nail. Which did nothing to improve her mood....
  17. I’m glad to say a good while back I blasted through Switzerland never below 140 and got away with it. Rubbish wines and some strange people as well as great ones I know.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. That has always worked for foreign registered vehicles driving in the U.K. Many foreign countries make the owner of the vehicle responsible not the driver. In U.K. law the driver is responsible, but the U.K. authorities have never had any way to obtain the drivers details from foreign countries. The sharing of information was only ever for the registered owner of the vehicle. Under French law (for example) that is the person who has to pay the fine, regardless of who was driving the vehicle.
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