just on my way to Donington, filled up, met the others and the engine management light came on, turned it off, started it again still on, rides fine no noises or anything, so rather than risk it came home. Call to dealer on Tuesday I guess as I have no idea. Will watch the race on tv now.
FWIW, mines stayed on a few times and for 2 weeks once and then went off, but the bike was fine and showed no errors when plugged in. If it runs fine I’d ride it, that’s what I’ve learnt owning Ducati’s .
Ime has been on a few times. Exhaust valve, rear abs sensor both been culprits and neither needed replacement. It’s a real pita that you have to go to a dealer to read the code and it can’t be done roadside to diagnose if just carry on or not.
Done a complete trip to Spain and back with mine flashing on and off Mrs a bonus now if mine is off lol been to dealers lots to try and sort it that why I call it the faultistrada
Engine management light on!! Mine is out of warrantee so I drill the exhaust valve flap out as it was trouble some ( wouldnt open correctly or when it should!). The ecu would not know that I have done this surely? Also d'air light is on some of the time too! Should I ignore it? Regards Vince.