Carole Nash

Discussion in 'Insurance - Sponsored by Ducati Insurance' started by Daddy2coull, May 10, 2019.

  1. I’m 45, 9 years ncb on my bike, 9+ ncb on my car, home owner, workshop manager 1200dvt pikes peak with panniers. I got hit in my car by a scote that drove off in 2017 without leaving details, like a knob I reported it but didn’t claim. My quote fully comp.........£11275. More if I’d like to pay in instalments
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • WTF WTF x 1
  2. Shop around!.........someone is taking the piss:(
  3. I just played with the quote. It’s exactly the same price if I’d hit a pedestrian and cost £1,000,000 in injuries and may vehicle was a total loss. If I don’t report my accident at all it’s £350
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. So it's a No blame/no problem & good to go:upyeah:
  5. That cannot be right. I got rear ended 2 yrs ago in the car. Other driver not insured. LV took all the costs including my excess for the repair but warned me that as an unrecoverable loss, my insurance next time might be higher. Car insurance went up by £120, bike insurance by £300. None of it makes any sense but it’s come down again this year. £11k is surely a “computer says no” error?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. It's Carol Nash. Any hint of a claim and premiums go thru the roof it happened to me too. It's their way of saying f off.

    It's time to change. My favourite at the moment is Benito.

  7. I’ve also noticed a lot of insurers won’t cover me if I fit panniers to my ‘touring’ bike
    • WTF WTF x 1
  8. Thread moved
  9. Try Peter James. I’m with them. Miles better than C Nash.
    0121 506 6040
  10. peter james only appears to cover classics
  11. shopping around online almost every company is either refusing to insure me or quoted £10k plus purely because of my accident
  12. Maybe they have you down as the driver who fooked off..
  13. no claim was made and the other party never reported it
  14. You said that earlier.
  15. Something isn't right. You don't need to add panniers or GPS to insurance, though they won't be covered for replacement in a right-off claim. As anything that is removable; is assumed not on the bike & your own liability.

    Have you maxed out your security options? Brake disc lock, gps-tracker & garaged or datatag guff (as I don't believe it is useful). Are you rightly protecting your no claims bonuses?

    Your car NCB isn't the same on your bike NCB.
    They are two separate in you cannot swap them over. I mentioned this as you've got both at maximum insurance industry recognised limits for our perspective I assume?!?!
    #15 GunZenBomZ, May 11, 2019
    Last edited: May 11, 2019
  16. Give us exactly what insurance policy your asking for?

    Full comprehensive or TPFT..

    Did you report the collision with the police?
  17. fully comp, sdp inc commuting, pillion cover, luggage fitted. protected no claims. yes i reported the collision because that's the law. third party fled and left no details. no damage to my car, no claim made. the more i look for quotes the more i am being refused or forced to fit a ground anchor in my garage, tracker and alarm and it won't be insured for theft if it parked less than three miles from my home without putting it in the garage, so i couldn't use it to visit any of my local towns. i think i'm at the point i'll just sell up
  18. You need to go too the insurance ombudsmen, and file a complaint. I don't from what your stated understand how anyone normally would be charged over £10,000 pounds per year for a motorbike coverage.

    Please fill us in how this goes because I'm flummoxed what's what. I'd request quotes in writing to back up your totally unfair position. This will be the future once elon-musk aka danger to humanity with the likes of the evil DARPA organization. Bring about mass driverless cars & will rein down insurance premiums of Planetary size like you've been quoted.

    If you've destroyed someones life by undue care & attention on the road. You deserve that size cost but from what's stated I see no fairness.

    Can you ask for all evidence from the insurer as too why this is out of whack?!?!
    #18 GunZenBomZ, May 11, 2019
    Last edited: May 11, 2019
    • Like Like x 1
  19. i've just been on the phone to carole nash. i'm assured its because of the value of the bike, the performance and the fact i want to take a pillion. i asked them why it dropped so much if i didn't declare the accident but his only answer was that i was wrong
  20. You have noticed you wrote £11,275 not £1,275
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