Hot or not.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Bring on the Bisto ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Ok yes, but that nose is an always have been terrible.
  3. Never???????????
  4. No Perry fan here either. Just something about her that gets my heckles up!
  5. She had "head fook" written all over her face years ago. Now she has done that to her body its conformation she is!!!!!!!!
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  6. On the basis of that photo, she's a frightening witch.

    Why would anyone think that is attractive?

    In any case, anyone who can't find something more interesting to do with their life than pump iron is deeply suspect in my book. And that goes for blokes too. I mean, there's keeping yourself in shape and full-on narcissism.
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  7. she could haunt houses.
  8. In any case, anyone who can't find something more interesting to do with their life than pump iron is deeply suspect in my book. And that goes for blokes too. I mean, there's keeping yourself in shape and full-on narcissism.[/QUOTE]

    Spot on Glid.Go to any town and see the gym obsessed blokes in their skin tight cap sleeved tee shirts, desperate to look at any reflection of themselves as they waddle around, blissfully ignorant of their adoring but sadly mentally vacant girlfriends.
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  9. Self improvement is masturbation. Tyler Durden
  10. Fully paid up member of the Adams Family if you ask me.
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  11. i would'nt even touch it with a stolen cock!.
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  12. Who are normally stunners...sure maybe not marriage materiel but.

  13. Looks like she made it into Madame Tussauds!!!
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  14. That just scary and looks as mad as a box off frogs !!!!!
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  15. I reckon if she got hold of me, she wouldn't stop even if I cried :eek:

    Don't dis it just because you don't get it. I know a good few body builders and power lifters, and trust me their discipline and dedication to their craft,and knowledge of their own body is second to none. Sure it's not for everyone, but each to their own.

    Proper body builders and strong men are a far cry from your floppy haired, jet washed teeth gym preeners - you won't find them in shiny sixty quid a month pretty boy gyms - most of the gyms these guys hang around in stink of stale sweat and farts and if you want cardio, strap a truck tyre to you and run round the block, none of this gaybar cycles with a nice scenic route video strapped to them!
  16. I friend of mine (who had been a huge track-day fiend) suddenly got into body-building for some obscure reason. He transformed himself from a totally normal looking bloke into some weird brick shaped person with no neck in a matter of months. I think he went to the gym every day and guzzled all sorts of pills and shakes and crap.

    Thankfully, a short time later he saw the error of his ways and retransformed into a normal person again.

    Mind you, Martin always has been a bit extreme. His first motorcycling experience was buying a brand new CB900F and riding it from Germany to Italy. Seeing as he'd never been on a bike before... And then he got into the whole track-day thing, buying a huge Mercedes van, tuned SPS, tyre warmers - the whole shebang. He did more courses than you can shake a stick at and became very good, except that he could never remember a track, even after doing countless laps. Last heard of in South Africa learning to be a helicopter pilot. He was also the owner of Arnold, the massive pot-bellied Vietnamese pig. I miss Martin. He's totally bonkers (but seems quite normal and reasonable when you talk to him).
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  17. So that's what became of Michael Jackson's nose?

    I'll place a copy of that picture on the mantelpiece, alongside the photo of the mother in law.
    Should keep my young niece & nephew away from the fire!
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  18. i liked her years ago before the tatts still would but not a keeper is she poxy Harley's !!
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