The Left Over Bits!

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by Irogerh, May 20, 2019.

  1. photo 20-05-2019, 12 37 41.jpg

    Apologies for the vertical picture but this follows from my last post. They are the items left over from the build which I have no idea where they belong!!
    The two rubber stops I think probably live under the seat/tank - there is one there already installed but I cant see any others on my break down pictures so not really sure.....
    I am mystified about the tube...
    The rubber cover looks like the one I have on the neutral switch but can’t think where this one goes...
    The two M6 bolts and flanges (?) must go somewhere...
    But most worrying is the M10 washer taped to a bit of paper which says “swing arm”. It is too small for the pivot but maybe belongs on the bolt connecting the suspension damper?
    Other than that I think I got most of the other bits in the right place :)
    Any thoughts?
  2. I think the 2 M6x24 bolts are for the mirror mountings.
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  3. Tube...rocker pivot sleeve?
  4. longer rubber item - Throttle cable adjuster cover?
    maybe not, having enlarged the picture.
  5. Swing arm washer could well be off the rear shock mounting bolt / nut.
  6. I agree with ducati dad the 2 m6 bolts look like mirror mount bolts
    try looking on stein dinse site at parts diagram to identify the other parts
  7. Heard you the first time!
  8. no idea what happened there lol
  9. The washer does look like it may be for the shock mounts if its from the swingarm. The larger rubber looks like its come off a cable somewhere, the small ones I dont know as I dont recognise them at all. Neither do I recognise the tube. Ive built 2 900s frame up and stripped a 600 and cant remember seeing these bits which is stumping me. The two small bolts with the little plates are definately for the mirrors, they go on the long eloganted rear fixing and the rectangular plate sits in the groove.
  10. Thanks for all the comments. I will check the mirror mounts - I have probably just put
  11. ... to continue...... I have probably just put new bolts and washers there. The tube has stumped me for a long time and I cannot find any reference to any such part in any parts manual and I am starting to wonder that it has maybe crept into the parts bin from some other project!
  12. Not as post 3 then?
  13. I have photos of virtually every part of my '97 750 and I can't identify that tube.

    The only thing it reminds me of is the tank mounting bolt pivot, which on mine was a welded tube on a bracket with inserts in each end. Unfortunately I don't have the bike now, so I have no idea of the measurements, but IIRC the bolt was an M8. No it wasn' was a pin with an R-Clip.
    #13 Arquebus, May 22, 2019
    Last edited: May 22, 2019
  14. You mean this Al?

  15. Mirror mounts

  16. Yep, that's wot I meant. Mine was welded to the bracket but that one looks like a spacer; but it probably isn't.

    All the information and photos I have looked at indicate the tube is welded to the bracket.

    I wonder if the OP ever had a Suzuki GS(X?)R.......they had separate spacer.
    #16 Arquebus, May 22, 2019
    Last edited: May 22, 2019
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