Barely Ride Now

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by camelfarmer, May 31, 2019.

  1. As the title says really. Not looking for suggestions or solutions, because I know those will only come from within. Just wanted to share with bikers, because most people don't really understand, as they drive to get places, not for fun.

    I used to commute on the bike a few years ago, but for the last 4 years my commute has been an hour of basically M4 Bristol to Swindon, so I switched to driving. My wife still commutes, so she gets to ride weekly, if not daily.

    My excuses are the following: roads around here are shit, no where to go, weather is unpredictable and mainly bad, I've got too much other stuff to do.
    I was gonna go out today on my own (the wife is away seeing her family for the weekend), but I just don't feel like it. Don't see the point in forcing it, just to ride up and down the ring road for an hour and come back home. I love the bike, love knowing it's there in the garage if I want it, but I've ridden less so far this year than any other year since I started.
    I think what would suit me right now is something cheap and easy that I can leave outside and use for getting into town and popping to tesco etc. The panigale has to live locked up in the garage as my last nice bike got nicked from leaving it outside. The plan is to move to Australia in Feb next year, so I don't want to change anything now. The plan is to get a cheap bike in Aus and not have a car, so then I'll be riding all the time. But I don't know if I'll ever have something as special as a Ducati sportsbike again.
    The bike getting stolen and then being on 3rd party only insurance definitely took it's toll, because I was scared to ride it hard or leave it anywhere. I'm back on comprehensive insurance now, and I notice I ride more relaxed, but I think that changed my attitude towards it in general.

    Anyway, we've decided to go out next weekend if the weather isn't horrendous, but I still feel bad about not going out today when I've got a day off. I'm working the rest of the weekend (nights) so I can't go out then. I could go out on Tuesday if I felt like it I guess, so I'll keep that open.

    Anyway, sorry for a boring thread, but I just felt like venting/sharing.
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  2. Sort of know how you feel. Out of six Ducs I've only got two on the road and two of my four "classics". Most times I tend to go for what is easiest to get out - GL1000 and so that does the most mileage. Journeys always tend to be the same as well, up to the cafe Sunday morning, stop at sister's on the way back and that's it. In the old days ( not too many years ago) I'd go out all day by myself just for the pleasure of riding. Somehow over the last few years the enthusiasm has waned and I can't really say why. Still love bikes and have no intentions of selling any at the moment but just don't get the buzz I use to.
  3. Before I was ill 3 and a bit years ago now I was struggling too, on way home from work I’d be looking forward to getting bike out but once home be feeling too knackered then at other times be making excuses up to myself to not go out on the bike, Or getting geared up seemed too flipping difficult, but since illness it’s so much easier to not even try ....maybe get ill? :)

    I must admit I think an off road type bike might appeal more to me now, the thought of trundling down dirt tracks or through woods with a pack up sitting down having a sarnie then off steady away admiring nature etc that stirs my soul more than a road bike, a two seater off roader Mrs on the back yeah could enjoy that

    Maybe change what you do? Bikes are fun remember but maybe a different approach, no rules on this we don’t have to just do the meaningless routine like just going to the bikers cafe and back home shit, in Australia I imagine off road would be awesome
  4. @camelfarmer, Wot you need is an interesting destination! Riding the same old roads gets as boring AF. I like to pick a decent lunch pub somewhere I know will be nice, like in Brecon or something and use that as a goal. Then pick winding roads to get there. That and riding in Europe of course which is always a blast - different scenery, culture, food, no traffic.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Your always welcome to ride this way kettle is on
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  6. You’re married!
    When did that happen?
  7. On his wedding day :p
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  8. With age I have got less keen
    I think of places to go in the UK and can't be bothered because of the amount of traffic about and cops with cameras
    Just got back from a ride through Lincs down to Conningsby and then back up to Lincoln
    I love a mini cruise on P and O from Hull to Belgium Love a ride there,far less traffic. Try go do that at the minimum 3 times a year
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  9. Yeah. And to prioritise the ride, rather than planning 20 things for the day.
  10. About a year ago.
  11. Congratulations,
    where does the time go to, eh.
  12. Thanks!

    I know...
  13. Do do you do any motorbiking holidays? Roaring around a deserted Spanish mountain road which is surfaced like a racetrack will be sure to renew your biking mojo. The other thing I like to do is to ride to BSB/WSB/MotoGP races (if you're into racing at all). It's a great atmosphere and gives you a different destination from the norm...
  14. Sounds like priority should be an anniversary present :)
  15. Weirdo... :bucktooth:

    I had a 5 year sabbatical from bikes as just ‘got bored’, and then had an itch to get a little scooter. Now I think I will always have a scooter in the garage as it’s just a different kind of fun.

    2 years after getting the scooter I had an itch to get another bike so it was joined by an 899.

    Now I have he perfect garage :upyeah:.

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  16. With you on this, brother. Rather sit on my arse watching tv than take the bike out on my own. Yawn
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  17. Nah we don't much care about that.
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  18. I don't have the free time unfortunately. Used all my leave last year on a big holiday and doing the same this year. Managed to get a few days in Portugal but not long enough for bikes.
  19. I wouldn't beat yourself up about it camel, we all have had the "I can't be arsed on the bike" moment I'm sure.

    Pick a good few summer days, the type of days that are fantastic for a ride and once you're out I'm sure you'll feel the grin factor again, it doesn't have to be an everyday grin
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  20. TRACK DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • Agree Agree x 1
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