1260 Workshop Manual, Online Or Pdf Download?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Bob_Cooper, Jun 4, 2019.

  1. Hi,

    Does anyone know if this exists for the 1260S?, I had a full colour one for the 1200 and I used it a hell of a lot.
  2. It's the holy grail of pdf's still..
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  3. I have looked and looked!!!!! No joy yet, has anyone got a list of torque settings for the 1260S ??
  4. They will be in your owners manual, surely'
  5. Just checked the owners manual, no list of all torque settings in there.
  6. I apologise to you both, I assumed they'd be in there. A quick phone call to your local dealership too get the information from their parts department is the next route. They may even screen print the relevent documents over to you in an email upon request!
    #6 GunZenBomZ, Jun 4, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2019
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  7. I have just looked at the online manual, no torque settings in there either, is it a genral rule of thumb that the 1200DVT torque settings are the same ish??
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  8. Does anyone have any updated information on where to get the 1260 Multistrada manual?
  9. This may help.

    Attached Files:

  10. T
    Many thanks, This file is for Torque settings on 2010 multi.
    Any idea if the workshop manual for the 1260 is available?
  11. This is a snipet from the 2015 DVT service manual. Torque settings for the frame items followed by engine torque settings.
    I can't imaging the 1260 being any different.

    Attached Files:

  12. I use the same torque settings on my 1260 as from the 1200 DVT manual, and I'm pleased to report that as yet nothing has fallen off :bucktooth:.
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