Leo Vince De-cat pipe fitted; now which Exhaust can?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by AirCon, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. I’ve fitted a LeoVince de-cat header pipes, exhaust servo defeater and FatDucs (O2 manipulators). Just had the bike serviced by our local garage (MD Racing) and it runs like a dream. The annoying this is that he hasn't reset the service indicator. Apparently he doesn't have the correct tool.
    Can anyone recommend an exhaust can that will fit. So that's any End Can that fits the standard set up, but that will attenuate the noise, preferably with a removable baffle?
    I await the groups collective wisdom.

    Has anyone else fitted the LeoVince de-cat?
    If so what End Can do you have?

    I LOVE my Multistrada….but don’t tell the missus.
    She thinks my 988s is guarding the Multistrada, as everytime she enters the coach house to get wine the 998 barks it’s warning alarm.
    Must get those loose floor boards fixed…
    #1 AirCon, Dec 18, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2014
  2. I've fitted the LV decat but left the original cans on - loud indeed, but I like it.

    I haven't heard anything that improves it in line with what they cost or found anything that I think looks better than standard.

    I don't suppose that helps, just my opinion
  3. Too Loud

    I agree they are pretty compared to most other pipes, but just way too loud for London. Most coppers in London would pull me, given the chance.
    I think the carbon, instead of the metal trim may make it even prettier!

    What about the Quad D twin pipes with DB killers, do these go on a standard bike, if so they should fit the LV?

    Any other LV decat riders with hearing found a solution?


    ARE THE REST OF YOU LV DECAT RIDERS HAPPY WITH THE SOUND, sorry for shouting, just wanted to make sure they heard.
  4. I thought the QD was a full system only. I am not aware that you can fit the cans to other de-cat's. I have a Mivv decat with Ghibli can, also loud but I think it looks better than the standard ones.
    I do think the QD system is the best looking of the lot, but flippin expensive.
  5. Air Con...if you like I can put the end baffle in my Mivv ghibli and you can test the noise level next time i see you....and i wont take you through the waters again :)
  6. Ok, I've bitten the bullet and ordered the rest of the leoVince. I'll report back with my findings
  7. IMG-20130131-00445.jpg

    • Like Like x 1
  8. That looks really neat. How much for the whole lot?
  9. I think about £795.
    £460ish for end can (Ebay Germany) and £335ish for the decat (BR Special).

    The DB killer does sort of work at tickover...not yet test driven!

    Sorry made a mistake with the prices earlier, only had the total...forgot I purchased some other toys!:biggrin:

    Now test driven and it's perfect.
    Great sound, but it doesn't bring pedestrians to there knees with their ears bleeding.
    #9 AirCon, Jan 31, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2013
  10. That's the setup I am planning. I have been in email contact with the UK distributor moto.gb They gave me the following prices:

    "£431.50 for the cans and £335.50 for the de-cat. Both include vat."

    I then plan a tune at CJS.

    How easy was it to fit the decat?

  11. It's a bit of a fiddle to get the old system off but it is a DIY job.
    A couple of hours will see you through from start to finish.
  12. Doh...looks like I've over paid...again!
    Decat fitment was ok.
    Getting the old one off was a complete sod, as it have been on for 22,000 miles.
    AndyW has written a great guide on the subject.

    You must remove the front header at the cylinder. This allows wiggle room to split the pipes. My exhaust studs came out fron the head.
    Get someone to sit on the rear seat to help with clearance refitting the rear header.
    I'd advise two people to fit the mechanical defeat on the exhaust servo, one to hold the rear end (you have to remove it to get hand access to the servo) and the other to fit the CNC part (it holds the servo within a range that makes it think the valve is still there).
    Graphite grease (Stove shop, about £8) is advised to allow everything to slip together easily.
    The whole job took me an age, a good guy could do it in 2 hours.
  13. Cheers guys.
  14. set the suspension in enduro mode this will give max clearance.
    remove front header pipe
    there is no need to remove the rear header pipe, just remove the cat from the existing rear joint can be a bit of a chew but just persevere.
  15. I've test driven it and I love it. The sound level is perfect, performance great.
    That's with the DB killer installed...without it I CANT HEAR MYSELF THINK!
  16. I have the same setup, yes, too loud without the DB killer.
    But, my biggest issue is that the fuelling got much worse than the stock exhaust. Especially between 2-3K rpm, making the bike not ridable in town.
    From I read, the best option is to visit Chris, but I live in Cyprus ...:mad:
  17. Interesting.
    I fitted my FATDUCs prior to the exhaust...now it's nearly perfect.
    They increase the mixture, especially important at low RPM, by fooling the bike into thinking it's cold.
    Works great for a 5 minute plug on mod..
  18. hhmm... I had the O2 Manipulators installed on my Streetfighter. They gave a minor improvement, but the SF had much less fuelling problem than what I now have on the MTS.
    I worry that even the O2 manipulators will not give the required improvement needed on the MTS.
    I really don't want to go back to stock exhaust...
  19. Night and day

    To clarify...fitting the FATDUCS and the decat exhaust pipe made a massive improvement / difference.
    Fitting the new end can made no change to the running just the noise.
  20. Remove your ECU and send it to him for a flash remap.
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