Buell Xb9s

Discussion in 'Other Bikes' started by Irish, Jun 7, 2019.

  1. This little air cooled bugger found it's way into my garage over the weekend. Gave it a wipe down an trying to decide if I'll keep her. She is a 2003 983cc I think, really good shape after a bit of a clean. Buell 1.jpg buell 2.jpg
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  2. A very unrated motorcycle in my opinion from the biking public and they're missing out in the fun factor,but i'm on my second buell s1w now & just love the torque/grin factor everytime out.:grinning::upyeah: (when it's working: unamused:)
  3. Always liked them

    Only rode one once an 1125R which I probably should have bought as they were pretty cheap at the time for what they were. I think Harley were selling off Buell & the HD dealers had them marked down to shift them

    Only thing that stopped me was spares anxiety as nobody knew what was going to happen in the longer term
  4. @Beef - one for you.....
  5. Was the exhaust already wrapped? If no, what did you use please @Irish
  6. I'll let @Irish come back as that is nicely wrapped, a lot better than I could do

    Did a Guzzi I have a while back


    I used Thermo-Tec and the steel ties to secure it. I then sprayed the sealant onto it, the occassional reapplication of the sealant paint in 6 years and that's been about it. I did it because I messed up on the exhaust coating (don't ask) so decided this was the easiest solution

    It's a right messy job when I did it as you soak the wrap before application and everything (including you) becomes covered in black dye.



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  7. I have the stainless steel zipties & special tool; thanks for your info @Old Jock
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  8. The pies were wrapped when a mate bought it so I'm no help there. That's not a job I think I could do as well myself. My mate offered to me for $1,300 but I don't have the room for it with the MV on the way.
  9. 1.JPG I love my S1, been slightly modified, has over 40000(S)miles on her!

    The Fuellers (fuel in frame) bikes are great fun to ride to, biggest issue with them is the engine casings need to be split when (and it is when, not if) you have a gearbox problem - normally writes the bike off!
    #9 Beef, Jun 18, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2019
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