Rendering Job , Quite Possibly A Botched Job

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Justatad, Jun 7, 2019.

  1. CDE597DD-7738-4B8B-94E1-27CFB2294F56.jpeg Could I ask for some advice here from any forum members who are in the building trade please, I’ve had a rendering job done on my shed, first coat has been applied, on inspection it looks pretty poor !
    I spoke to the chap who did it, he assures me that the second Tirolean coat will sort it out, but even with my lack of knowledge, I really can’t see that being the case, he’s coming tomorrow morning to apply the finishing Tyrolean coat
    Last picture showing how bowed the wall now is, if you look at the metal edge beading




    #1 Justatad, Jun 7, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2019
  2. Ask your worker politely to correct the beadings before the top coat goes on!
    #very poor execution of setting out:eek:!,IMO
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  3. Why is this on a Ducati forum? Sorry if this is a silly question.
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  4. It is. But you are forgiven.
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  5. If forum members ask for advice or help,whatever it maybe then that's ok by everyone:upyeah:
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  6. There are certain section /headings within the forum that are completely open to any subject, one of the many great features of the forum,as we will see with this thread, the OP will get the help and answers needed, but not from me as swmbo reminds me regularly how awful i am at d.i.y
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  7. Pretty ropey work, they quite possibly don't wish to be recommended locally.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Isn't this what the lounge part of the forum is for? Were all here to help each other out, Well most are:bucktooth:
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  9. This is in the “lounge” section where anything can be discussed. The biking subjects have their own sub sections if you care to look.
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  10. yep, current topics that come to mind include insomnia, mattress choice etc
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. The Mattress post was good as i read that and had my new one delivered 3 weeks ago :upyeah:
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  12. You mentioned he's coming round this morning to lay the finish coat, I think its to late to tell him to not come back and it will leave you out of pocket as trying to get someone to repair his work would be hard/costly.

    I know its only the base coat but its up there with the worse one ive seen (sorry), he also hasn't scored the base coat particularly well for the top coat to key to.

    Id ask him to remove all corner beads today and redo them, let it dry with him coming back when its best for both of you. You might have to wait until next weekend but you will have a better job at the end of it, base coat will be fine if the weather turns btw.

  13. Is the guy doing the work a actual plasterer ?, have you seen any of his work or was he recommended to you. If I had seen that quality of work on any of my jobs I would have given him his marching orders, piss poor preparation springs to mind.
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  14. Its rough. The base coat doesn’t really matter as such, with it being covered up but that is pretty awful. As mentioned above the corner beads are terrible, they should be straight, level and in line!
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  15. Another couple of points, I looks like he is over rendering old render, was the old render a sound base, did the guy use a adhesive on the existing base, I guess he did not have a spirit level, existing angle bead should have been removed and replaced with a single length preferably with stainless steel angle bead, give the wall a tap to see if there are any hollow non bonded areas and if you are not happy do not let the guy to continue.
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  16. With the job looking like it does, I doubt he will be returning.
  17. As already mentioned, a very poor job with piss poor preparation, you say the next coat is the Tirolean coat, the Tirolean coat will never cover that mess, very shoddy workmanship with no pride.
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  18. To be honest I think you had the answer when you asked the question justatad. If the workman's style is yeah it looks shit but don't worry, you won't see it soon, I'd be worried what else you can't see that he's done.

    The beads should be one not patched and although you can patch, he's done a shit job. The filling seems more a bloke with a trowel than someone who knows what he is doing and no matter what he puts on top it will still see you wondering about the quality and how long will it last.

    I'd politely, point out the areas you feel are not correct and say you would want them corrected before any top coat goes on and be strong on that point.
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  19. Id tell him to feck off!!!!
    • Funny Funny x 1
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