Italian Day At Cassington

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Stanforth, May 28, 2019.

  1. This is short notice.
    Our traditional ITALIAN BIKE DAY will be held on Saturday 8th.June.
    Cassington is just off the A40 travelling west from Oxford towards Witney.
    #1 Stanforth, May 28, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2019
  2. Shame il be in Cornwall.
  3. The 9th is Sunday, so what day is it?

    I am two miles away and never heard of it before.
  4. Kids getting in the way of bikes mate ;)

    No bike for me but my see if I can blag one for then :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Yeah mate there a bloody menace!!
  6. Sorry it IS the 8th. As for you not hearing of it before. This is the 5th. annual event and it has been publicised on this forum each year and well attended by forum members.
    You will find that there is another thread with the flyer for the event.
  7. Next Saturday? Think I’ll see what bmw can loan me for the weekend
  8. Can you please link the thread or give any indication whether it's well attended, what's to see etc? I've ridden half way around the country before now for DOCGB meet ups where there is one scabby ST4 without an owner... a decent overview and any past event pictures will raise the likelihood of folks making the effort IMO.

    Good luck though, hope the weather is nice. :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Over the last few years it has been well attended in fact last year we hit capacity, just, without having to but Italian bikes on the outside.
    As to what's to see it depends on what is brought. Last year we had Ducatis ranging from 1960's singles though bevel and cam belt twins and including a couple of Mike Hailwood Replicas, Panagales etc.
    Add to that we had lots of Moto Guzzis, a couple of MV Agustas and may less well known makes.
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  10. The weather looked menacing at the beginning but got better later.






    #10 Stanforth, Jun 8, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2019
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