Free Andoid based Ducati Diagnostic Software

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by chrisw, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. I've also been trying to get scan5m to connect to a bench ecu, without any luck.

    It will see and connect to the ELM but as soon as I click read dtc android tells me unfortunately scan5m has stopped.

    My cabled connection and Bluetooth connection with Ducatidiag is fine.
  2. Aha......

    I've got it to connect!

    Don't know how tho....after testing my Ducatidiag elm connection the Samsung tab2 connected and gave me the error codes for the systems that are not connected on the bench.

    I'll test the other software now....

    Yup they all appear to do what they say on the tin chris, I've only had a spare bench ecu connected and not on the bike at the minute.

    Thanks ChrisW
    #22 XxAnthxX, Mar 22, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2013
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  3. XxAnthxX..

    What version ductaidiag are you using?
    I've had very little success with 24c - I did finally manage to connect using KKL cable to bench IAW5.9M but only after making changes to the driver parameters..
    Even with these parameters, connection could only be made using slow init - and even then not possible to connect for data dump.

    By contrast, I can connect and get data dump using version 23c KKL cable and same params, slow init.

    I'll test the ELM once more...

  4. Ah - Interesting - I'd not picked up on the USB/Serial issue.

    I'm using USB - so I'll follow your suggestions and report back.

  5. chrisw..

    I updated the drivers for KKL cable following your advice..
    Success with ducatidiag24c - can connect using the parameters you suggest - and connect for data dump.

    Next experiment is to try the ELM again.. then I think I'll get the 'scope out to try and discover more about the connection and communication protocols.
  6. Glad to help :upyeah:
  7. I tried the Bluetooth ELM again - no joy.

    I've had a 'scope on the k-line during initialisation using KKL cable - so I now have a good idea what the init sequence should look like - next I'll put the ELM back on and see if the sequence looks anything like it should.
  8. Looks likely that the Bluetooth ELM is a dud. It certainly is not sending init sequence to the ECU although the bluetooth module appears to be working correctly... tomorrow I'll get the saw out and take top of ELM - find out what makes it tick (or not).
  9. If there are any labels on the bluetooth ELM try peeling them off as they may be hiding case screws. Should come apart then.
  10. Bit late I know....but I was using both 23c and 24c. Both connected straight away, it was only not connecting with the android app.
  11. will this work on a s4 ?
  12. Yes
  13. No screws on this 'ELM' - and no ELM327 inside either. It contains an XF6304 which appears to be a Chinese copy. uploadfromtaptalk1364068385663.jpg

    Typical shoddy Chinese manufacture to go with the trojan and virus infected CD I found earlier.

    I'm still investigating how it works though - underside of top PCB has a microchip pic device and base PCB seems to be mostly power supply components.

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  14. Just out of curiosity...why did you use the cd that came with it?

    What was on it? Other than the Shite you mentioned.

    The little NetBook I use for this stuff runs Win XP and I didn't need to put the disc anywhere near it.

    The netbooks Bluetooth driver just talked to it and obviously the Samsung tab2 I use to test the android stuff with couldn't use the cd anyway.

    Where did you get the ELM from was it the one Chris linked, I'm 99.9% sure that's the one I'm using, if it's not it's from the same uk supplier.
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  15. The CD was not needed for my W7 laptop ; I just looked at contents out of interest. Having read up on the ELM327, I found out that the early versions used a microchip pic device which did not have the code protect bit set. This early version has been widely cloned by the Chinese - and these clones still contain bugs from the early version. The Chinese copies have also had the version numbers incremented even though the actual software is unchanged.
    The one I got was from the link provided by chrisw. My guess is that it is simply faulty but I need to get further into it before I can confirm that. If I had the energy for it, I would go after the supplier for having breached the code descriptions act - I paid for a ELM327 - but did not get one.
    I'm actually thinking of getting the genuine article now - or perhaps an STN1110 - which is similar but has support for additional protocols.
    Just to let you know - I used to work in the electronic manufacturing industry but these days, I make a living writing bespoke software for manufacturing companies.
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  16. #37 chrisw, Mar 24, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2013
  17. Hmmm it must just be a dud, not configured correctly or just a different unit to mine.

    As you say it's not worth the time and effort to pursue them for a tenner and they'll just argue the fact it's been opened up too.

    I suppose it all depends at what level and amount your gonna use it as to wether its worth the 70 quid for a legit unit....even then if it can be guaranteed as legit.

    Hope you can sus out what's going on with it tho.
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