1200 DVT Multistrada Comfort Seat

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Paul Beglarian, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. Picked up a new DAIR last week, loving it apart from the fact that I find the seat uncomfortable after 40 minutes or so.
    I am still in shock. Being quoted £624 for a rider & pillion comfort seat and apparenntly that is with 10% off.
    Does this sound right!!!
    And I always thought Harley parts were expensive.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Afraid not sorry
  3. There not that comfortable I would get the original STD seat reupholstered cheaper and better
  4. And don’t forget to wash your hands after handling, if conditions worsen see your doctor.
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  5. I would disagree with that. The comfort seat is a huge step on from the standard seat which lacks any real padding in the places needed.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Same here. Re-engineering the OEM seat didn't help. Buying the Comfort seat did.

    It was night and day different.
  7. You must have a different shape arse to me
  8. The two seats must have the same plastic base. So it’s down to the foam that’s used.

    Anyone tried a Gel pad?
  9. Have both rider and pillion Touratech/Ducati seats on mine. Certainly an improvement over std but not by a huge margin. More grippy and less ache, no more sliding into the tank. Also, where the 1260 in white is concerned, gets rid of the grey seat panels which I didn't like much.

    My rider seat was an as good as new used one from a member on here who had sold their 1200. The pillion one was from DMC who had them heavily discounted a couple of months back, still around £400 for the pair. Had the OEM comfort seats on my MV and sold them separately, reckon I should make my money back on the Ducati ones if and when the time comes.
  10. Don’t suppose you want to sell the standard ones then?
  11. I've got the comfort seats, my arse no longer hurts.

    Well, no more than usual anyway. Yes they're expensive, but now on my second Ducati so I'm getting my money's worth(ish).

    Plus I figure they will always retain a good 2nd hand value.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. It doesn't take much to understand why the comfort seat is better when you compare photos. Look at the extra padding towards the rear of the seat.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  13. 2 posts in 2015 and then "BAM" 12 more posts!
    FWIW, I paid an auto upholsterer to do mine and had it padded more in the "dip", that holds you in close to the tank, and also had the sides filled out quite a bit towards the front. Shame I have no std seat to show the difference but it is 100% better and on a long trip, bike shorts too. Can ride for days now...
  14. Thanks but no. They'll be stored and will go back on if/when I sell the bike with the Touratech ones being sold separately as stated in my post above.
  15. Don’t blame you!
  16. Cheers! Still can't figure it out what is better - Touratech Comfort seat or Sargent...similar price, but if anyone try them both it would be great to share opinion.
  17. It’s all subjective isn’t it.
  18. Apparently the Sargent seats are heavy. Also by the looks of it the pillion sits higher above the rider therefore getting more wind blast, which we found to be a problem.
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