Has The World Gone Pc Mad???

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by NOODS X, Jun 22, 2019.

  1. Would that be from..... wait for it......... PC World? X
  2. Be bananas to buy one from that lot. Prefer Apple ;)
  3. THe World went PC/ mad etc when people lost the ability to use good old Common Sense.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. No-one can afford the license on that one anymore...
  5. I don't watch much television but it seems all programs have to have gay or mixed race couples this even extends to the adverts personally neither of these things bother me but has it been done just to be PC or does it reflects modern society
  6. i dont know what they teach the kids at school these days. but the antidote will be the one day a week the lad joins me over the holidays in the workshop.
    i guess with most things there's a time and a place. getting the balance right aint always easy.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. As said, photography from public areas is not against the law. Though you may find that use of a tripod is against local bylaws in places like London, you can get a permit though.
  8. A friend of mine recently on holiday got out of the pool and walked in to the bar and requested a pint - he was rudely told by a woman that swim wear was not allowed in the bar in a close to shouting voice.
    With out batting an eyelid he removed his trunks threw then through the bar door and remained at the bar waiting for his pint !

    Went very quiet after that - not a nice sight as 18+ stone lad but I couldn't stop giggling for about two hours
    • Funny Funny x 7
    • Love You Love You x 1
  9. I don't think you're allowed to say they are mad anymore...
  10. That's some shits-n-giggles stuff right there.
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