1260 Stalling Issue...

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Bob_Cooper, Jun 24, 2019.

  1. I know this used to be an issue years ago with old models (it happened once in 9 years to my old multi) but has anyone else had this problem with the new 1260?

    It's happened to me twice now, once when I'd just picked up the bike and I hoped it was just a one off but it happened again yesterday and was a bit hairy. On both occasions it's as I'm slowing down for a junction changing down to 2nd and then I realise it's just cut out. I tried dropping the clutch yesterday to get it going again but it just locked the back wheel up and the back end slid out, not fun so I won't be trying that again.

    I hope this is not a regular occurrence but I'll be calling the dealer later.
  2. Not had this happen on the 1260 at all.
    Odd really (in a good way) as it did happen on previous Multis.
  3. I had it happens twice in 3 years / 15,000 miles - on my 1200 DVT.

    Never had anyone look at it..
  4. No problems with my 1260 Bob
  5. I'm not impressed
  6. Not happened on mine yet, 6,000 miles in.
  7. check the side stand switch with the engine running in gear. (on a stand). shake the wiring on the switch and check the connector is pushed home.
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  8. I'll give that a try cheers, good shout potentially.
  9. When you take it back to the shop, ask them to do a tps reset and autoadaptive parameters reset.
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  10. Had this happen on my last bike BMW GS, factory AFR settings are lean at the low end and the restrictive EURO 4 CAT makes this condition worse.

    Anyway...once i removed the CAT via a link pipe kit the bike never did it again.

    Until then make sure you're using the best top tier gas (Exxon\Chevron) and don't baby it :)
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  11. My 1199 does it the odd time exactly the same as you describe even down to locking the back wheel when trying to start it again.
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  12. Happened to me a few times when I was still running the bike in. Mostly when cold and approaching a junction at the end of my road. Not happened an 1500 miles
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  13. I don't want to tempt fate but since last time it's been fine. Thanks for all your input.
  14. I h
    I had it quite a bit on my Monster. I found sticking to a decent quality fuel helped. She’ll or BP, something like that.
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