V4 Base Vs S

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by flatstick959, Jun 27, 2019.

  1. im sure this has been covered before but couldn’t find any posts

    I’ve been offered a good deal trading my bike in for a V4 (BMW took the piss with their bid and the uncertainty of when a bike will arrive is putting me off that)

    Basically the base model is £100 a month less and 3k less at the back end on a pcp vs the S model.

    I’ve heard mixed things depending on which dealer you talk to - some day it has to be an S, some say the base model is the one to go for if you actually use your bikes.

    So is the ohlins and forged wheels really worth the £5000 premium?

    Are they much different to ride?

    It will be for road use with maybe 1 or 2 Trackdays a year
  2. Hi

    If you aren't using it for trackdays I doubt you'd ever notice the difference, I wouldn't pay that premium for an S unless I was doing 20-30 TDs a year.
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  3. If I were going that many track days I’d change the suspension anyway
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    • Funny Funny x 1
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  4. If its like the 1198, then the ohlins are not much better than the base showa. Once the showas are set up, then theyre not bad. If youre a track day guy you'd prob put proper ohlins on as Flat says.
  5. I'd buy a base and tune when needed, I did it with my 1198. When I sold it I sold all the bits separately.
  6. Yeah I’m considering the base model

    There’s some good deals starting with a free Dainese Ducati suit or something as the free tracker deal ends soon.

    Not sure if anywhere has any discounts in the bikes though?
  7. Agreed , maybe not as many as 20-30 like, crikey but definitely if more than say 5-10.
  8. 1 or 2 TD's a year mate just get the base. Gorgeous machine still which few could take to the limit.
  9. Going to get a test ride over the weekend hopefully
  10. For me if the bike was more road than track I'd def go with the S for the comfier ride!
    Although I've bought an S and would never have considered the base model personally.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. Whichever you go for you'll turn a nice bike in to a proper nice bike... :upyeah:
    • Useful Useful x 1
  12. If it were my only toy I’d probably get the R to be honest
  13. ooh, what other toys u got on the go
  14. I had the same thoughts when I bought mine, decided that the wheels and fancy electronic suspension wasn't worth the premium and went with the base model, the suspension is good on it and I don't do many trackdays(I'd love to do more) so it seemed like the better choice for me, can't really compare it to the S as I've not ridden one but I'm hapy with my base model.
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  15. I'll bet the stock wheels aren't heavier.
  16. Buy a base model and bang some bst wheels on it.
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  17. I had Oz on my 959 and they made a big difference but the 959 wheels are shit as standard

    One of the videos on YouTube says they base model wheels are 3lbs heavier.

    The Marchesinis in my monster R are bloody light but I can’t see the base mode being a dog to be fair
  18. Michael Rutter couldn’t get the S to go faster than the Base on track and I have never found Ducati OEM ohlins comfier on the road myself. Basically it’s an emotional decision - both are faster than needed and if you are serious about track you’d be running after market stuff. If you are happy with the base go for it.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. Also insurance steps up considerably on the ‘S’ model, i’d go for the base personally as I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

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  20. I swapped the 899 std wheels to the Marchesinis 10 Spoke forged and there was very little weight difference at the front, in fact, once I added the HPK discs it was heavier.
    The rear was another story!
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