Film cameras

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ghost Rider, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. Anyone on here interested in photography that might want to acquire some, if not all, of my 35mm film camera gear (camera bodies and lenses)?.....mainly Pentax.

  2. Any of the lenses Autofocus?
  3. All five of them.

  4. Does anyone use them anymore?I used to do a bit,nothing fancy,read cheap.Digital is so convenient.There again, you get the arguement re digital/analogue in music replay.Does the same go on in photography circles?
  5. Apparently so.......plenty of arguments as to how good the film photography is, until it comes to paying for the 'outmoded' stuff.....

    I no longer have the time to find a processor, wait for the results, scan them into my PC.....I need them straight to my PC for work related projects.

  6. the resolution is superior in ditigal photography. There is a picture floating about on the internet that was taken from the roof of a university in Amsterdam. At the time it was the highest resolution photo ever taken. You can pick any spot and zoom in seemingly forever. There is a perfect example where you can zoom down a road, to a car waiting at traffic lights a couple of kilometers away that arent even visible without zooming. Not only can you see the car clearly, you can read the dealer logo on the bottom of the number plate - something that would be completely impossible on film.
  7. Commercial film photography is dead (with VERY few exceptions).... but it's still very much alive and kicking amongst enthusiasts and fine art photographers and I think it will stay this way for a very long time. Traditional kit is dirt cheap these days (even large format) but film and processing costs add up pretty quickly.
  8. I agree with everything I just said.......but does anyone want my camera gear?

  9. You can have mine too if you want.

    Olympus OM10

    cue deafening silence.
  10. I gave all my Olympus bodies and lenses to the local Cancer Charity to sell.I looked at the pitiful prices being paid for secondhand cameras and hoped the Charity might get more for them to swell their coffers.
    I still have a 35mm Nikon camera with 2 lenses,autofocus lenses.I will look into the possibility of using the lenses with a Nikon digital body.Just a question of checking compatibility and taking the plunge!
  11. Mmmmmm i just want to say here that these old film cameras are not in this new modern age and every body are using new model of cameras in which we can plug in the memory card and make the digital photos and video in this card in good result format which i am also using this camera................
  12. Where are you mate, my other half did a course on photography last year and would love to have 'old' style film camera kit.
  13. Are you talkin' to me?

    Suffolk....not a miilion miles away...........

  14. I still have my OM10 love it ..
    Film is magical ... I love photos.
    I sold my Nikon :( :( and all the lenses was stupid to.

    There will always be a place for 35mm in my heart.
  15. Unfortunately, there is no place for my OM10 on my shelf.
  16. I've still got my OM10 and my OM2n, plus lenses.

    . Wonder if I will ever use them again?
  17. I've still got my OM10 and lenses, and an adapter to fit the OM lenses on to my Olympus 510 DSLR
  18. Well all you lot with your cheap Olympus stuff can b*gger off.......I want to know if anyone my expensive Pentax gear...
  19. Sorry arquebus.

    on the plus side, you keep getting free bumps up, as the Olympii come out of the closet (dark room)

    p.s. Anyone want Arquebus' Pentax gear-see top of thread!,(sorry expensive Pentax gear)
  20. Cheap Olympus stuff. I'll have you know my last lense cost 1.2K :eek:
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