Black and white snaps members pix

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ruffs, Apr 10, 2012.

  1. Some of us put up black and white snaps of us as kids, mine dates from late fifties I guess. When did Mums and Dads stop snapping in B+W and go to colour, the late sixties or seventies?
  2. My parents got a Brownie 127 (ooo-er!) in the late 50's....How do I know? Because I'm in some of the bl**dy photos.....

    And then in the mid sixties, I think, they got a Kodak Instamatic.....sounds like a Polaroid doesn't it? Well it wasn' just wound on to the next frame by means of a single push of a lever.

  3. I was born in 1958 and all the photos of me as a baby were in black and white. However, I think the earliest colour photos that I have include my younger brother in a pram, which would have been in the late summer of 1959. So obviously by then, my mother had got her Kodak colour camera, and she went snappy happy with it from that moment on. Most of the photos were put onto slides and every wet weekend, she would get out the projector, put up the screen, draw the curtains and we would all sit there looking at the latest batch of holiday snaps. Happy days!
  4. Our photographic history of life follows the same lines almost exactly (I was born 3 years before you) My dad bought a machine that plugs into the computer and It enables you to put your slides in it and transfer them to computer. He never used it before he died and I haven't got round to it yet but It might be one of next winters projects
  5. Apart from the usual belongings etc., I inherited over 30 boxes of family history when my parents died, which apart from all the slides I mentioned above, also included family trees and letters going back to the 1600s and beyond. There were also 100s of photos from all sides of the family including those of my great great grandfather who died in 1858! I spent the best part of 6 months piecing it all together, building on the family trees that my father had created, scanning and cataloging the photographs and contacting relatives from all over the world, trying to put names and dates to everything. However, I have yet to convert the slides to digital format. If you lived nearer, I might have borrowed your dad's gadget! Good luck with it and let me know how well it works.
  6. I was born in 1967 and the baby pictures of me are all in colour. There are none after my adult teeth came through as my dad said I was too ugly to have pictures until my teeth got fixed. Cue many years of braces and railway tracks on my teeth before he would ever take a picture of me! Good thing we get on now or you would think I could be damaged be being told that.
  7. He's teasing! No dad would say that about his little girl! :)
  8. I was born 1968 don't have many pics of me as a baby but they are black and White.
    Started colour around age 5 
    My mother had my blonde pig tails cut off to make my hair grow thicker so I look like a boy!!!
    Parents can be soooo cruel
  9. I know, thats what my daughter tells me!
  10. I get told I'm annoying :)

    Least my daughter has long flowing locks kept the scissors well away from her nan!!!
  11. Quite right too! I won't say what I get called, I'd be barred ;-)
    Bank and taxi
  12. I'd have thought your baby pics were in sepia Al, and taken on a photographic plate ! Lol.....
  13. Lol I can well imagine :)
  14. What's black and white, dad..?

    Early figaro was always in glorious technicolor.

    That's me, picking my nose...

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  15. Your sister seems very interested to see what's going to come out THIS time!
  16. That's not my sister. It's one o' my bitches, innit.
  17. There are several like that, with a horse and plough in the background.......

  18. My Dad was into photography and used black & white into the '80s - more artistic apparently? (although I believe the main reason was that it was easier/cheaper to develop on a DIY basis) plus his darkroom (converted spare bedroom) was his 'shed'.

    In the last 2 years of school we were offered photography as an optional subject, as my Dad gave me a good camera I took it up, it was great because we got to spend time wandering around random arty (and not so arty) places with cameras and as long as we came up with a few decent pics at the end of it the teacher was happy, we only had black & white developing facilities at school so I had loads of pics from that era (late '70s - early '80s) in B&W.

    Another plus of the photography class was that we got to spend many hours (locked) in the darkroom, usually unsupervised, it quickly became a party room with stereo, comfy chairs, fridge, alcohol etc, along with the obligatory red lighting :wink:. Our only official project was the school yearbook pics which we managed to fit in between other, less academic activities - Happy days... :upyeah:

    And to keep the thread on (Ducati) topic, here's one of my early pics, taken around 1979;

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  19. Actually i would like to say here that Black and White photography is very best i know this is an old model and old photography but if you make the which and black display in your back ground and make the photographs you can get 100% result of this photos which looks like very shiny and best so i like this and prefer to this back ground.............
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