50 Yrs Ago Today Man Set Off To Land On The Moon Together With Blue Peter, Well Kind Of...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by NOODS X, Jul 16, 2019.

  1. I remember this day 50 yrs ago today like it was yesterday, sitting in front of our first ever TV and watching B&W grainy pics of the Apollo space craft lifting off on its mission to the moon..

    Blue Peter made a model of the rocket ship from fairy liquid bottles and I was desperate for my Mum to finish using hers so I could make one too..

    The spacecraft would disappear round the back of earth for about 45 mins out of range of radio contact etc and I sat there desperately waiting to hear the radio crackle back into life again.. WOW! X
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  2. Yeah me too, but all went quiet when it travelled around the back of the moon, dark side, no?
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  3. Yeah, praying for it to come back into contact with us again.. x
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  4. Your one of those who think it never happened hey? X
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Exactly the same memory. First TV. B&W. Dad enthusing (he’s an engineer). Silence and fear as they went around the dark side. Euphoria as contact was re established.
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  6. Don’t remember any of it. But then, I wasn’t born yet...
  7. Not at all. Just setting the stage for "those of a conspiratorial agenda"!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Very true.... even this Forum was black and white back then don’t you know.. x
    #9 NOODS X, Jul 16, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2019
  9. Think of all those songs we would never of had if they hadn’t gone there..

    The Police “ walking on the moon”

    REM and Man on the moon..

    PF and “dark side of the moon”

    Bowie’s “major Tom”

    Well, probably not..

    Etc etc x
  10. I was only a year old so I don’t remember it
    I watched the moon landing last night with Mr cox and that other guy Darius or something

    I’m a believer now :)
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    • Love You Love You x 1
  11. I was 3 and we didn't have telly :confused:
    Didn't see it so it can't be true - especially in black and white.....;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. We didn't have a TV but my dad borrowed my uncle's spare small B&W set. I was in awe, not just of the moon landing but also of the fact that we had a TV in our house. It went back afterwards and we didn't have our own for another 7 years.
  13. i was also not born for the first landing, but watching the number of films, documentaries over the last few days, you just have to be in awe at their bravery to carry out these launches etc..
    for me growing up with the Shuttle program, Moonraker the Bond film, and all the launches, i was saddened that i never got to see a launch in real life.

  14. Public Service Broadcasting did great concept album. Race for Space. This track is The Other Side.
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  15. Manufactured? o_O
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  16. I am content that men went into space in a Saturn 5 rocket, parts of that rocket went round the moon, and that the men returned safely to earth some days later. That in itself is one heck of an achievement. The rest I am less sure about, so I struggle to get over excited about the 50 years media fest going on at the moment.
  17. watched it at my grans with my dad and family. B&W telly!

    Was eight at the time.

    Will never forget it (it was also the latest I'd ever stayed up to watch telly)
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  18. Why the doubt?
  19. Oh don’t ask. I have a good friend that honestly believes it didn’t happen despite the fact that it’s been proven that there are reflectors on the moon placed there by man & how utterly impossible it is to comprehend the scale of a cover up of this magnitude involving 10’s of thousand’s of people with not one single person breaking ranks over the last 50yrs defies all logic. Mind you, she also believes that the Cosa Nostra shot Kennedy & that Elvis secretly retired because he couldn’t handle the fame.
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