Elvis is alive and well and nobody will convince me otherwise, he lives in the south of France with Jim Morrison so there
i find the technical aspects of the missions fascinating, and how they overcome such huge forces and temperatures that would destroy the craft before it would even lift off..
Technological and human masterpiece. I watched the programme last week where they used the voice recordings........how an earth the voices appeared to remain calm as they landed the LM with seconds of fuel left is beyond me.
When you think about it, what is the point of panicking at that point? It’s not as if there’s a back up plan. Gonna work or you’re the first person to die off the Earth. Either way, getting agitated ain’t going to change it. They called it having “the right stuff”
I remember our TV was rented and Dad would Take us to town each month to a shop called vision hire to pay the rental.. they said the lunar lander module had less computing power that a mobile fine of today... Well I hope they got a better signal than I get from 3, for with that they wouldn’t have landed in the moon, instead they would still be out there, somewhere.. x
So how if it was fake did they get film of the WHOLE of planet earth then? In 69, cause from any of the the orbiting only missions they said the windows didn’t give a full view of the planet earth, it was impossible, the only way was to actually take footage by standing on the moons surface.. x
Have you overworked and therefore damaged your thrust booster ? Mmmm re entry could be nigh impossible, expect a very messy splashdown then .. x
Keh? Bradders was manufactured dude , now get that silly disagree taken off as people will get confused
Ex,I could ask the same from you as you've loaded up my postings with two disagrees yesterday evening.....................................wait for it
I was 9 and my mum & dad let my brother and I watch it! It was truly incredible. However, those astronauts must have found going on holiday after, such a bore! Prof cox is quite dishy but I reckon he could be a bit boring ???
We would watch the tv shows everyday at school, on a black & white TV on tall legs, with wooden anti glare flaps that folded out on the front & sides. All the kids would sit cross legged on the floor in silence glued to it. Amazing that by Apollo 17, the American public was totally bored and so they didn't televise the interviews live anymore. Apollo 18, 19 & 20 were all cancelled!