slippery pegs

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by kwack, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. Just had my 1st ride join the panigale and absol loved it. The grunt off the bat was amazing and was far more accelerative than my old rc8r. Riding position and quick shifter all great,,, and the sound of it

    Question I do have is the standard pegs are a bit slippery.. I like the position of the pegs so don't want rear sets.. What do people recommend for replacement pegs and would they be a straight swap

  2. Rizoma. That it was I replaced mine with, as have several other guys I know. Just watch for the so called "spring clips", they are not proper springs really and bend easily. Luckily I was at a dealer when the clips popped off and so just picked up some new ones. No problems since.

    I have the B-pro. Don't forget you will need the folding adaptors too.
  3. Mate I used a pair of 1098r pegs , I also used them on my 1098s they are the dogs ! They cost about £60 a pair and work perfectly, they also look a bit trick.also always use new e clips when refitting the pegs .
  4. Thanks will have a few more rides and see how I get on. So either Rizoma or 1098r pegs so far? I guess that the 1098r pegs are from ducati only?
  5. Yep, but there is a company called Ducati parts online that sell loads of things on e bay at a good not do put off by the fact they are in holland as the service is first class, just e-mail them and they will do there best to get you almost any part you want. If you go out in the rain the oe pegs on the panigale are like glass!
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