I made a paddock stand adapter that consists of an M8 threaded rod, some threaded 50mm x M8 tie bar connectors and a couple of bobbins to fit my stand forks. Trouble is, the first one I made, I forgot to remove and it unscrewed itself and came off during a ride, never to be seen again. The second one I made, I put a "remove before flight" tag on the bobbin, and a matching one on my key ring. This worked until one day, I put the bike away, forgot to put on the tag when I put the bobbin rod in, yes, you guessed it, lost it on the next ride. I don't want to loctite it in, as I still need to remove the rear wheel and adjust the chain! I have the platform type adapters for my stand as well for tyre changes. Now I know that I'm old and stupid, but I need a way to either a. remember to always remove it, or b. fix the bobbin on the free end so that it can't come off but I can still unscrew it. I can't use an R-clip as I can't drill the bobbin. Helpful suggestions much appreciated, the third lot of bobbins and bits are on their way!
thought. With the wheel adjuster out, can you access the back of the bobbin to the thread? Nylock nut on there easy enough?
Right I see you’ve put it thru the axle. Shouldn’t fall out tho, use nylon nuts. Or do what everyone else does: drill self tap hole into swingarm and install there, if there are no holes already
Not being very mechanically handy, I was a bit scared to start drilling holes in my swingarm, and I guess I'd have to tap it to get a suitable M8 thread. I guess I could try to get a nut on the back, if I could get inside the swingarm with the chain adjusters out. However, I am quite happy with the simple through spindle job, just don't want to lose another one! I can't fit a locknut on the bobbin bolt, as the tie bar connectors are flush with the spindle ends.
This was the first one I made. The fixed end is loctited, the free end screws into the end tie bar connector which has the threaded rod recessed to allow the M8 bobbin bolt to be fully tightened. Obviously, it does not need to be massively tight to work, hand tight is fine for the stand and for easy removal, but then it can fall off if left in place by mistake! Got those as well, but the hooks are more secure; I do use the platform type with rubber pads as well for wheel removal/chain adjustment. The hooks are also more stable when I use the front stand as well, one that inserts into the steering head.
Ok, so maybe loftier one side then glue/weld a no-headed bolt into where the other bobbin bolt goes on one side, then fit a nylon nut?
I wonder why you do not want to use loctite? They have different levels and for the screws/bolts I want to vbe secured by easily ably to adjust I use loctite blue
Good plan. If I just leave the threaded rod longer on the "loose" side, it would protrude through the bobbin, and then I could fit a nyloc nut - it wouldn't look as neat, but it wouldn't come off if I forgot to remove it! Cheers Bradders!
This is how I've done it. I generally take the bike off the paddock stand and remove the clip and slide the bobbins and shaft out of the hollow axle. I have ridden off with it still fitted but it doesn't fall out.
I don't want, or need, to leave the bobbins and threaded rod in place through the spindle when riding, it is just a workshop thing - ideally I would permanently bolt the bobbins to the swingarm (and loctite them) but I am reluctant to drill the swingarm. I think @bradders idea of a nyloc nut on the end is good, because it is still quickly removable, but if I forgot to remove it, it won't fall off! Obviously the nylon will wear with mu That's even better, I just have to leave the threaded rod longer, drill it and fit an R-clip, much easier to remove than a nyloc nut, and like you say, even if I forget to remove it, it won't come off. Cheers for that, this seems to be the best solution, I'll still put my tag on to remind me to remove it, but it won't matter if I don't!
BTW no idea which is the best way, but IIRC I had my hooks facing the back of the bike so they were easier to hook on from the back and if it slides it cant go forwards
So Mark III is now created, the M8 rod now extends beyond the bobbin on one end is now secured by an R-clip. Although I haven't drilled the rod yet as my drill press is useless and the bit wanders. I'll have to get someone to drill it properly, but it's working for now.