For Sale 1199 Bits And Bobs

Discussion in 'Parts, Accessories & Clothing For Sale' started by hyperdildo, Sep 10, 2019.

  1. Without causing to much grief and the fact that I have no idea what anybody would be willing to pay for any of it or wether anybody wants any of it I apologise in advance to @El Toro for putting no prices but I have bundled a load of bits in to 3 photos that I no longer need. Some of it has gone already to my brother but if you see anything you like just let me know and make me an offer, postage will be free so please bear that in mind with offers and be nice :)
    Also if it’s a problem then el tel can remove the thread and I won’t be offended.
    Posting to Uk mainland only..



  2. Paddock Stand still available?
  3. Sorry no it’s broken. The bit fell off the end and I can’t find it
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  4. what renthal rear is that?
  5. There are two for the quick release
    Apologies for photo quality, think ones a 37 and ones a 39 if you zoom in on photos for 520 pitch chain


  6. Putting a price against items stops the offer of corn based snacks being made ;)
  7. I know tel but I honestly have no idea with the stuff.
    Like I said in my opener I believe in treating people how I want to be treated and hopefully some good karma happens.
    If you want to I won’t mind if you want to remove the thread
  8. No, I’m happy if you’re happy :)
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Cheers
    See how we go and if it gets silly we will close it.
  10. Pm
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Dda gps now sold
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