So! (See what I’ve done there!?) Lumps of dried tea/coffee bits in the sugar where people stir their drink before adding the sugar, then dip said wet spoon! People who don’t flush the loo properly and leave floaters! People who have a go at you.....then realise it wasn’t you! People who use the “C***” word in front of kids
Better than being a Remainer, bruh, which you just demonstrated due to your backwards way at looking at things. [I knew that about you, too : o ) ]
Anything that Simon cowell has been a part of, all stupid fucking dancing strictly bollox on ice programs, and cooking programs that are full of pretentious wankers like Gordon Ramsey. That stupid fucking baking program that further emasculates men and any shite to do with Kim fucking carcrashian. Absolute shite tv developed as part of the great British mind control program that has one soul purpose which is to turn the population of this island in to a thoughtless army of clones who will speak like and do whatever the brain drain dribble tells them to do. Clone army of junk food eating cycling wankers who believe everything they see and hear on their various devices. It’s no more than the CIA mk program in the 50’s. Thought control to get the populace thinking they are free are and doing well for themselves with their pcp deal on a shite Asian suv and their summer holiday on the never never but in fact it couldn’t be any further from the truth.