As above - im gonna fit a dome ptz camera round the back of my house....looks out on to common land as in our road most of the break-ins have happened to the rear of the problems there....but, id like to put a small dome camera on the front of the house in the corner (just under the eves (if thats how you spell it) to look down over my garage door and being ptz id be able to look around also....and heres the issue... Our road is on a hill so our houses are on the downward part of the a motorized camera "could be construed" as voyeuristic as it will be level with a couple of sitting rooms over the road. The way i see it if anything happened round our area of the road (dodgy people have been spotted in the past and my mother in law over the road has had her shed broken into on a number of occassions) and theyve gone in round the side, from the front.... So, bit of a predicament. Id like to be able to look after the houses around me, and my garage but dont want to be preceived as a peeping tom....!
Wow - never knew that....! dome camera on the rear i suppose cant see past the trees as the back of the garden but would be able to see the gardens each side...
No license needed at all. You just need to be sure your main use is cctv and not harrasment/spying. Basically every camera views outside of the host property.
No - tbh im assuming that if something happened i think most of, if not all of my neighbours would be happy the place is being watched as its a level of security they wouldnt have to payfor/worry about.... - i did think i could tape off round the top of the clear plastic dome so it could kind of only look down...
Wasn't it the Tate gallery in London that won their case against their viewing platform? Courts decided that if privacy was wanted, shut the curtains. You don't have any rights against people looking in an open window.
How far are the houses from the camera? TBH, unless you have some mega camera, you won't pick out detail at distance.
Technology.....theyre getting better and better....the one im looking at for the front can zoom in (if you picture a normal 40's semi detatched road) - 3 or 4 houses down....
Optical zoom is best. Digital zoom isn't any good. Mine are good cameras, but with no optical zoom as I don't need it where I live. I run mine via POE from my NVR. I have 2 x 4TB drives and just about get 2 weeks of constant footage from 5 cameras.
i was just going to go with a rolling 256gb microsd card....but yeah...over poe....i might order it but before i put it up (and run into the neighbours) ask diplomatic and all that...
Think the neighbours have a right to ask you to show them the view you have from the camera, and you have to show them. GDPR etc etc As long as you get on with them, I doubt many would complain of some extra security. I'm looking at the Ring flood light camera set up, mate has one front and back, and works really well. Simple DIY install and set up.
Weapon of choice for the front of the house...tucked up in the eaves....
Good cameras. I run SD cards in mine but only as backup to my NVR. The NVR is also hooked up to our home entertainment stuff so my wife can just press the CCTV button on the remote and the telly will switch channel and show all the cameras.
That's why I went away from my existing cloud based cameras. Long term, it made sense to spend more initially to buy the proper gear and do it in house.
Set a couple of these along your perimeters. Film the reaction on your new cameras, sell the footage to You Bin Framed, or whatever the show's called and the cameras will pay for themselves in no time! I'm looking forward to the next toerag coming down my drive!
Most decent quality ptz cameras have a feature called “Privacy Blanking”. This effectively allows you to mask out windows etc in the cameras field of view. This should satisfy the neighbours that your not a voyeur
Yep, but its not that much. The camera's are an easy DIY fit, and I like the App that Ring have. All easy to install and set up.