1200 DVT Asking A Favour?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by laava, Sep 15, 2019.

  1. Bet its water in your fuel-put a cup full of methalayted spirits in the tank. I get this happening to a lot of motorcycles here in NZ. Tanks expand and contract draw in moisture. Just so you know that I am not having you on put some petrol in a glass then add a teaspoon of water have a look, the water does not mix with petrol now put in a teaspoon of meths and see what happens. Its a way of ruling out dodgey petrol. Let me know how you get on
    • Useful Useful x 2
  2. Tank has been emptied and cleaned twice already this year but I guess it wouldnt hurt to try what you suggest thanks!
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  3. Tried snapping throttle on at 2.5k rpm on my 2016 Enduro the other day. It pulls cleanly but it definitely wants to be in a lower gear.
  4. Thanks Edward, when you are in second and roll on the throttle at that speed, you accelerate so quickly that it is not an issue. 5th or 6th is a different thing altogether I agree.
    Taking off from the lights for me is an exercise in caution.
    Again tho, thanks for getting back to me about it.
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  5. Yeah I would have been in third or fourth gear trying it out. Still learning to ride this bike really (after 10 years out of biking).
  6. Well, I love riding mine, it is the best bike I have owned and probably ridden in terms of all out everythingness.
    But my S4R still puts a big grin too...
    Just frustrating having such a niggle...
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  7. Mine does the same thing, it will also stumble if you "blip" the throttle while it's at idle.
    Never did this before this spring, after the battery was disconnected all winter last year. In previous years I left the battery connected.
    I brought it in to the dealer, they found no codes, did an adaptive parameters reset and told me it was normal....It gets worse with high humidity.
  8. Wow, so it's not an isolated case then...I am wondering if it is worth an email to ducati about then as they may have an idea? Is very annoying. So Neulee, are you still trying to get a solution or have you given up for the moment like me?
    I would still like to pull apart the throttle mech (potentiometer) just to look for something obvious...and asI have found out, the OBD is only good for things it has been programmed to monitor. For instance, if you have cam timing out it will not throw a code but run terribly. And auto adaptive will try and compensate for it making it run even worse.
    Also, re the battery, my mechanic is very suspicious of the motobatt lithium I was running and suspects that it has been contributing to my problem. I have put in a leadacid now but maybe needs another auto parametrs reset. Which must be done from absolute cold, ie, overnight rest.
  9. Does/can the TPS need to be checked or reset?
  10. The TPS has been checked and was found to be ok. There is no mechanical link to adjust. I would be gutted if it turned out to be a throttle body sensor as it is full throttle body replacement and they are prohibitively expensive.
    • Crap Crap x 1
  11. The tech at the dealer said he called Ducati and they told him that Ducati has heard of this before but, they said that it is a by-product of drive by wire and we should expect the motor to behave this way......so no fix exists.

    I don't think the bike is running correctly, it never ran like this in the previous 3 years and 20,000 miles of using it. I don't know if I have given up but I am running out of ideas. It's like an old carbed bike when the sync of the carbs was way off. Is there a procedure for syncing the throttle bodies on these bikes?
    #31 neulee, Oct 23, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2019
  12. Sorry for the thread dredge but as I am still battling this problem, and in lockdown, I decided to pull the entire airbox setup. Which is a fiddlyarse job but I persevered and got it off, stripped it as much as poss and reassembled. Right, so found nothing wrong but it was a bit dirty so cleaned it and am in the middle of refitting. Before I pulled the tank, with all the fairing pieces off, I fired the bike and sprayed a bit of "start ya bastard(ether)" around the inlets under the airbox, just to see if anything would happen. But nothing. Anyhow, as it was ticking over I could hear an occasional "snap" like a high tension spark jumping. So I am going to be looking for a potential source for that too...to be continued
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  13. OK, I found nothing in the way of a fault so cleaned everything up, sprayed every single electrical connection I could see with a dielectric spray, reassembled and it now runs almost perfectly. Frustratingly, I don't know what I have done to change it and, worryingly, will it be surprising if the issue resurfaces? Anyhow, when I am able, I will take it to a Ducati place and get the auto parameters reset and maybe some new HT leads. Was fun test riding it tho, I cracked the throttle open coming out of my road and it totally powerslid around the corner! Next intersection I nailed it and it was jerking about a little, then I realised it was the TC kicking in as the back wheel was letting go!
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