Parking Scumbag Thieving Gypos

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Wayne58, Jul 10, 2017.

  1. Update. After 4 letters from national parking enforcement, 2 from debt recovery plus, a threat to court, and today a letter from zenith collections (which are the same company as DRP) stating they will accept a reduced payment. The advise is ignore everything as they do Fuck all!! Bunch of cons and jokers :p
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  2. Mums mate paid, took them to small claims and got it refunded for being unreasonable.

    Their flats had a new parking system/company that started at midnight, the parking company came round at 00:30 and ticketed everyone without a permit showing. She came down at 8am to put new permit on and had a £60 fine waiting.

    The court case was a couple of weeks ago, now everyone who got fined is claiming a refund or taking them to court.
    #42 Cream_Revenge, Oct 28, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2017
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  3. Serves you right for buying their gosh awful coffee!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. A few years ago I had a series of meetings at the Donnington MW services. Parking was free for 2 hours and then £10 (I think?). Without realising, my car was parked for 2.5 hours and I got a penalty notice through the post demanding £80 going down to £60 if I had proof I'd spent money at the services, but going up to £120 if not paid within X days and escallating etc... I sent them a cheque for £10 (what I would have paid had I realised I'd exceeded the 2 hours at the time) and copies of the till receipts from Costa. I included no cover letter, just the cheque/receipts and their PN. They sent an acknowledgement letter and that was it all done.
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  5. Really?
  6. we got yet another letter yesterday, from zenith again. This is your very last chance to pay the reduced fee, then we'll possibly start commencing court proceedings...... Those are the exact words...... Yep, I'm thinking shredder !!! Bunch of cons can still just feck right off. :cool:
  7. Yep fk em
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Ha ha, this started in June, and they've still done Fuck all, absolute jokers and are getting nothing from us. :upyeah::cool:
  9. They don't need anything from you, if 4 or 5 out of 10 just pay up they are quids in...vultures can kiss my furry arse
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Wipe your arse on the letter and send it back.
  11. Be careful when licking the envelope though for Christ sake
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  12. Resurrecting an old thread here, but, this was nice;

    Took a while but they aint getting my 100 notes :yum
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  13. Interesting – I have had a licence now for 38 years. Parking fines in first 35 = one. Parking fines in last 3 = 5. All fines have been £30 ish so I have paid except 1 at Leicester forest east which took 7 month to get to me. I paid the others as I can’t take the hassle of shitty letters and threats, but you pays your money and takes your choice. I appealed to the land owner on the successful one.

    Two of the fines I mentioned were from government bodies/councils etc. and used the same company.
    Just a warning about some of the advice here, some of these companies are multimillion pound concerns they shall have seen it all and know how to counter every play. They have big resources and shall come at you hard. Maybe it is not worth the hassle. I know that’s what they (literally) bank on but anyway…good luck to you.
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  14. I've not had many parking fines either but this one was a piss take so I fought it 'Civil Enforcement Ltd' and they threw the usual heavy handed stuff but I guess I was lucky to be only 15 seconds over time (on their photos) so I got off through POPLA
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  15. That really is taking the piss as the British Parking Association recommend a 10 minute allowance!
  16. Got fined 150 euros in Valencia last week. Walked on to the balcony to see my van surrounded by cops and being dragged on to a recovery truck. Nice.
  17. I went into the car park intending to buy a ticket, went to machine (with no cash) and tried to pay by phone - I had a different app on my phone so tried to download their recommended app but failed so I decided to leave. According to their ANPR I was there for 15 minutes and 15 seconds - their sign said I had to pay within 15 minutes. None of this was particularly clear but the demand letter came pretty quickly, I thought, hmm 60 quid for not parking - I don't think so....
    After I initially told them to poke it I got all the photos sent to me as their evidence of wrongdoing (they kindly offered to still only charge 60 quid for the inconvenience), I still thought - I don't think so.
    I used advise from 'money saving expert' website which was good and just kept going until POPLA agreed with me.
    They are a bunch of thieving scumbags and can be fought but it is the grief factor that they use to get most people to pay, if you get a letter always dispute it as even when they refuse your dispute you will still have the option of reduced payment.
    I'm waiting for the next one now......
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  18. What an excellent service..... not!
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