Thruxton 14th april

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by abmatt2002, Apr 5, 2013.

  1. Yeah big one on top of hill

    It ceased trading but now open again under new owners

    Weather looking good but like most weather we probably won't know until the day :-/
  2. The further west, the worse it gets. Sure my BSB tyres will love it...
  3. yes, cafe got new owners at the end of january, Chars lad works there, food aint bad and reasonable price, theres a few monster owners meeting there too from the ukmoc
  4. Aha. Only been there once ever I think....
  5. Decent faaaast ride for me to there, a few miles too
  6. I will be setting off from Wickham Sq at 0745 if anyone wants to tag along, I will be heading through the A rds to Winchester then thorough Stockbridge then onto the cafe.
  7. Thats exactly the route I will be taking
  8. If its not raining I will see you at Wickham, but probably need to go up to loomies to pick another up then across to Winchester and beyond! rather than straight down to Winchester.
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  9. I might be heading down to this as well, only about an hour from Swindon so seems daft not to. Does depend on the weather though.

    What's the bike parking like at Thruxton and do they have one of those lock up type things for leathers and stuff?
  10. I'm not risking it. Taking a puck in case its grass and a big chain to lock up bike and helmet wrapped in a plastic bag. Rucksack with trainers and to be able to carry jacket and boots.
  11. parking is on grass, i would take the biggest puck you can find...
    there is normally a helmet park bus just inside the gate, tends to be busy though
  12. Yeah, guess the ground will probably be a little soft there at the moment. Thanks for the advice and hopefully it's going to dry up a bit before tomorrow.
  13. If u drop of your leathers/ helmet be prepared to queue for some time when u come to collect them after.found this out to my cost a couple of years ago .
  14. Top advise, I will be staying till the end of the sidecars so q's should have all disappeared by then !

    to recap, I will meet at Wickham Sq at 0730 then up to Loomies across to Winchester then via Stockbridge.
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  15. Totally forgot about a puck. Thanks for the reminder!
  16. Very wet today :-/
  17. As long as its dry tomorrow.
  18. Must be, no qualifying yet, keep inspecting track
  19. Im sorry guys and girls, if the weather is like this tomorrow - which is forecast - I wont be coming. As soon as the sun is out lets go for a local ride out?

  20. My forecast is cloudy, but dry. Didn't think you were going to come. If you are fancy riding to hilltop together?
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