Hi Guys Does anyone have any 1098 to Panigale (1299) front wheel spacers/fitting kits they'd be willing to sell? Thanks!
It's been a right pain trying to find some, or get them made without knowing the dimensions. However, I've finally managed to find a contact who's got all the dimensions for the spacers and made them previously for himself! Take a bow @Martin T ! He's currently making up a few sets of these disc and axle spacers to enable 1098/1198 wheels to fit to the Panigale range. If you need some, snap them up before they're gone!
I managed to fit these spacers (Yesterday at 1am...!), Beautifully machined! i am very happy! The fit is nigh on perfect aswell. A snug fit onto the wheel and discs, bolt holes lined up perfectly and the flatness of the mating faces was excellent as I had no issues with the discs rubbing on the pads at any time...except when applying the brakes . The axle spacers were also perfectly sized! Further to that, Martin stayed up to near midnight so I could come and collect them as I left things a bit late before the trackday I needed them for.... Many thanks once again Martin, much appreciated for going above and beyond. The after sales was great also as he checked to make sure everything fitted right. If any one needs any machining services, don't hesitate to call him! Taylor Machine Services Ltd Halifax HX3 9EX 01422 382993 [email protected]
Nice job. As changing front wheels are a faff. It would be a nice touch to have the axle spacers made so they are held captive by the seals.
Of course but they only hold them by the lip contact. Putting a thin top hat behind the seal keeps the spacers from falling out by getting knocked by a fork leg or pushed out by the spindle.
not something i have had an issue with to be honest. But i do put a blob of grease on them, so i suppose that must be holding them.
If it helps, my spacers were a very snug fit into the seals and stayed in place even with a bit of knocking about.
@Sonic Quick q, thread resurrection, did you get longer disc mounting bolts ? Standard ar M8/20mm I believe .....
Yep the standard ones are M8x20 and yes I got longer, and better bolts! The standard disc bolt heads deformed really easily and it didn't help that were red loctite'd in. They were wrecked after removing them and needed changing anyway so glad I bought the other set. I went for stainless steel ones from Pugh and Sanders I think it was called, they were a lot cheaper than pro-bolt etc.
Ok, cool, can you remember how much longer they were ?? I think the spacer is 7.5mm so would a 25mm suffice or do I try and find a 27mm ?
Yep they are 7.5mm thick, I aimed to get as close as possible to maintain the bolt engagement, but I can't remember the exact length I went for: http://www.pughandsanders.co.uk/Products/Sockets It says on their page they do any length, but I'm pretty sure I didn't get 27.5mm. Probably 27 if they had them in stock. I didn't go longer as I thought they were blind holes, but when I fitted them I realised its the thru hole so you can get longer and there's loads of clearance. 27mm or 28mm would be a good choice I think. Also, I went for the button heads.
HI guys ! im gonna buy some front wheels of monster 1200S for my panigale V4... do u think its the same problem then i would need thos spacers ?? its only for my wet track wheels...THX