To clank or not to clank ?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by He11cat, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. It was the successful Guinness world record attempt for the most motor cycles of the same make/type, 405 I believe. Held by the Monsters Of Belgium (MOB) in Moerzeke Belgium.
    To qualify, each bike had to pass through a check point, so a short ride out through the check point and round the village facilitated this.

    The MOB holds a meet every September, some 20 or so Monsters from the UKMOC attend these events
  2. Yup yup!!!
    Yet to go :(
    Hopefully when they fill me full of botulism then I can go !
  3. ;) actually it was ten riding round the block stopping swapping pillions and jackets and going round again;)
    No was serious ! Cool Beans!
  4. That's Gary on the trike, behind him is my old bike the white S4
    I been on the Belgium MOB trip the last 3 years, it's a right giggle
  5. Can bikes other than Monsters go? The UKMOC seems to organise good events.
  6. I love the dry clutch death rattle personally, and my 996's open clutch cover lets it all out so to speak. Yes agricultural is one description, but IMO its part of the charm.
  7. Love the Dry clutch! The sound was one of the first things about Ducati that made me think they were special.
    For me it is a big part of the Ducati thing - another one of the differences that between a Ducati and a boring Jap4.
  8. There never was a need for any dry-clutch to clank. It's just lighter if you don't add a 'fix'. My Panigale doesn't clank for entirely different reasons, but it's SO NOISEY already that you couldn't hear a clank over the clatter and boom anyway. Nevertheless, I am besotted with it.
  9. That's just my stupid terminology :)
    What ever that noise is I just love it!!
  10. Make the most of it on the roads because future Ducs wont have it, it's only going to be the race bikes I reckon.
    Then the V twin for superbikes will be gone ,then---- D'oh!
  11. DUCAUDI bikes are going to be fast, reliable, kviet unt somevot boreink .
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Do you have to shout? :rolleyes:

  13. I found it quite funny:wink:

    Check out the weekender 2013 thread
  15. Who's shouting ? The use of capitals can be to denote the method and manner a brand is described... my own name uses exactly such, as it is also my trading title. I do know what you mean and I do sympathise, but one needs to recall the old conventions of spelling and grammar also. Little doubt my own poor education will afford someone far beyond it's extant, immense hilarity and delight in pointing out my many and glaring errors in grammar and syntax... but what the heck .
  16. There shall be no grammar nazis here or I shall be forced to make the guilty sit on the naughty step !!!
  17. I LIVE to sit on the naughty step ! Naughty is good. Naughty is nice. I am both nice and good, therefore I am..... Naughty. Tee hee hee. (...scurries off under his damp stone my precioussssss).
  18. I feel this is leading off the subject somewhat... Therefore I shall shut up.
  19. It's ok :)
    my grammar is shocking !
    A forum should be lighthearted ish .
    I am always in the naughty corner so ...
  20. my grand ma is dead :frown:
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