Aluminium Polishing

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by hyperdildo, Nov 2, 2019.

  1. Has anybody tried Baking soda and lemon juice as a form of returning oxidised aluminium back to its former glory?
    I was speaking to a furniture restorer friend of mine about the Honda nsr frame and he reckons it’s works well. Just curious as I don’t want a full shine like when it’s been mopped heavily I just want a nice original look
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  2. Metal polish is better...
  3. if you've got pock marks you have to go deep don't you? I think I ended up using a middling grade compound last time. If no serious damage then many types will do it, even T-cut.
  4. ok, forget the T-Cut then, not sure what's best @rob lewis maybe?
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  5. I seem to remember you can polish up and subsequently restore to a satin finish with a green scouring pad. YouTube is your friend on this.
    Keeping it or selling?
  6. Aluminium foil and vinegar. Works a treat. Scrunch up some tim foil, dip it in vinegar frequently, and rub away. It removes the tarnish and leaves a satin finish.

    I learnt that off YT.
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  7. Scottish brite. If not too deep, by hand. Any deeper and Scottish brite on an orbital sander will leave a nice uniform satin finish.
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