What Green Lane Bike Would You Suggest?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by West Cork Paul, Nov 2, 2019.

  1. I did say that Fin, I did, honest.
  2. did I mention you wouldn't have to bump start it in forth?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Why you stop drinking? Thinking I need to cut down also, I’m far from a drunk but it’s a bit habitual is grabbing a beer I’m hoping to join gym I know that will help as when I feel fit I tend not to want to ruin the feeling
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  4. Sounds a cheap bike
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  5. inexpensive. not cheep.
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  6. I like that
  7. Or Glasgow, Edinburgh or anywhere else in Scotland for that matter provided the battery was fully charged:D
  8. the battery is yellow. i think it might be one of those, eh, you know..
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  9. I've heard fin might have a bike for sale
  10. maybes. if i can afford what i'm thinking of replacing it with.
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  11. I quite like that but suspect the reserve will be way above my self appointed budget. However, it's given me some ideas, maybe I build my own from bits & pieces for a bit of fun.

    On a serious note, it's probably not the best idea to publish the complete V5 with vehicle details and name and address; someone who's perhaps not well versed in the distrustful ways of the world.
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  12. I`ve (re)built a few off road bikes. Sometimes fun, sometimes not so.
    This one I bought as a box of bits.
    It was a 1957 Francis Barnett Falcon 74, with a Villiers 8e engine. The forks were completely knackered so I fitted MZ 125 forks and yoke.
    img058 - Copy.jpg


    Then this one. A real bitsa, but quite competitive.
    1961 BSA B40 frame, narrowed and tweaked. 1958 C15 engine, BSA heavyweight forks with, Shhh, Honda superdream internals, Bantam front hub and a Goldstar QD rear hub. :bucktooth:



    They were the good ones, now the bad.
    Bloody 305 Fantic, bought as a wheeled out of a barn non runner.
    Don`t really know why I bought it, never liked it, at the end I hated it. I never even rode it, apart from a couple of laps around the back garden, was glad to see the back of the bloody thing.
    I made a couple of hundred quid on it but boy, did it make me suffer for that.


    #113 Pierre 66, Nov 7, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2019
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  13. Excellent post , man after my own heart (Greeves / Cotton / Triumph T100 rigid).
    The early Fantic twinshock were better than the Bultaco ?
  14. You can't beat off road riding experiences for getting the juices flowing:upyeah:,
    @Robarano how a garage should look like,picture 5 ^^^^^.:eek:
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  15. It got worse before it got better........a lot worse :sob:

    007 - Copy.JPG
  16. fookin luvin it
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. A couple of my mates have twinshock Fantics, they rate them, one of them talked me into buying that 305 Fantic. That reminds me, I still haven`t punched him in the face for that little gem of advice.

    My Uncle has an old Triumph in his garage, not sure which model. He hasn`t ridden it for years but he won`t sell it. I have first dibs on it if he ever does.
    #118 Pierre 66, Nov 7, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2019
  18. Food for thought Pierre (and PB), food for thought, thanks:upyeah:.
  19. Looks a bit like my shed, @Robarano would have an epi :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
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