N E Rideout in conjunction with UKMOC and SDC Sun 21st April

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Twangobango, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. Right then, have posted this on UKMOC and DUN.....I am orginising a "Borders Run" for the Scottish Ducati Club and it will also be the first run for the NE UKMOC members, but I stress ALL ducatis are welcome....the plan is so far to meet in Morpeth (time TBA) then ride up via Wooler, Kelso to Hawick and on to St Marys Loch to meet up with the "Scots Army" at the Glen Tea Room, then ower the tops to Hawick on to Bonchester Bridge and then over the border north of Kielder and on to the resevoir, stopping at the big cafe, thence on to Bellingham and Rothbury where the Scots can peel north and head home via Wooler/Coldstream....mileage will be say no more than 200, but it should be a good day out in blistering sunshine!!!:upyeah:

    I stress that all ducatis are welcome, and I expect the "Scots Army" to be at least 15 strong, and they are not a bad bunch really!!!!:wink:

    So if anyone is interested let me know.......

    Over and out from "Geordie HQ" :smile:
  2. Bumpity, bump........
  3. Depends when you are planning :smile:
  4. ill be up for it. ..im off work that weekend...... hoooplah:)
  5. What weekend?
  6. as per the main title haha.... 21st aptil unless im misunderstooding it lol
  7. Schoolboy error lol. I didn't read the thread title fully :tongue:

    I can't make it then as I've got friends coming to stay for the weekend :smile:
  8. you could just tell them youve got to see a man about a dog
  9. Sorry Bruce, got a family get together that day and the bike is still a "not get together" also Dan is in Dubai now......later dude.
  10. Aye Phill I see you are in the Toon, probs meeting Morrisons Petrol Station in Morpeth say 9 am ish.......
  11. well sunday is meant to be shite with rain and stuff so im gonna pull mine out tomoz as its going to be the best day and if sundays good too then hoooplah :)
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