Sorry, Its not for sale (for now). I buy a few bikes each year, bring them over to N Ireland, play with them for a while then sell them on. I had a black 2013 Corse SE, earlier this year with full Termi system etc, which I intended to keep, but the one I really wanted was the 2012 red, white and black version. I sold the black one to a guy in London to put in his living room !!! I advertised it at £8k and initially the buyer was suspicious, as he thought it was too cheap I have had four 848 Evos and a few 848 Streetfighters and they have been very reliable. I prefer them to the 1098 / 1198 but that is purely personal preference as I don't need any more power on the road and don't do any track riding. I also currently have a 2016 1200s Monster with Termis.