1200 Screen Fan Dango

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by OMG, Dec 25, 2019.

  1. Anyone on a 2012-13 Multistrada with 4 hole screen interested in trying a Givi DSC_0505.JPG DSC_0505.JPG short screen. if so make an offer and will find out what postage will be.
  2. Will the decals come off?
  3. Just ordinary stickers. Easy peel off.
  4. I've got the same screen for my 2013 Pikes Peak. It's so small that from a distance it looks like there's no screen on at all. On the major plus side, it gives great visibility while riding, although for some reason I tend to ride a little more aggressive when I fit this screen.

    Note: The screen on my bike in my avatar is not this GIVI screen, its a larger PUIG screen.
  5. Has not been on the bike in a while hence this post. Liked the lack of buffeting and the look but ended up with something in-between full touring and this.
  6. I did exactly the same
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