Chain Adjuster Pinch Bolt Specs??

Discussion in 'Hypermotard' started by jose, Jan 4, 2020.

  1. 2020 Hyper 950 sp
    What is the torque spec for the the chain adjuster pinch bolts???

    The manual is useless.

    The funny thing is , I called two different Ducati dealers and got two completely different specs from 30nm to 40 nm?? And it took them both over 10 minutes to find it. The said it's not in the service manual either, wtf??.

    Anyone know the actual specs?
  2. Thank you, just not sure which one it is on your list?
  3. Eccentric swinging arm fastener?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. The pinch bolts that need to be loosened to adjust chain tension

  5. It’s a Monster swingarm but it’s the same set up
  6. Man, that was very helpful .. So the torque is the same 31nm? It should be but just making sure.

    Thank you for taking the time..
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  7. On the list I posted the eccentric swingarm fasteners torque values correspond to the torque values on the YouTube clip for the Monster pinch bolts. Just remember as in the clip to alternate between the pinch bolts in your initial tightening of them. I do same on both the front and back wheel spindles.
  8. Awesome, thanks.
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  9. If it's your first go at doing this, set the recommended chain-slack measurement as per the swingarm sticker or manual, not like the video guy who would have mislead someone with no experience. Better still, having done the adjustment, make up a swingarm-to-chain spacer for next time so you don't have to measure;)
    Apologies if this seems a little condescending. Cheers
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