Too loud?

Discussion in 'Trackdays & Rider Skills' started by jay26, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. Does any body know of any other db killers for 749 termi? I'm gunna need a set with this on-going battle with the fun police!
  2. Well
    my 1198s with a full system tests at 110 i am told lol - I have not had it on track but previous owner did and thats what he told me
    Its very loud tbh!
  3. If you're going to do a few track days you might as well bite the bullet and get the DB killers now. Might still struggle with a 98 limit, but if you take the standard cans too it's not a big ball ache to change them if you fail, just go to the testing early to give you time to swap if needed. At least the DB killers should ease it through the 102 limits.
  4. Yeah that's the same as the none up there^. Seems to be pretty much the only cheapish ones on the market :\
  5. What's a 1098R with 70mm full system, and carbon cans with the db noise killers in?
  6. Effing loud!:tongue:
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