The Speedshop Bbc2

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Birdie, Jan 12, 2020.

  1. I can’t believe when they up cycled the Hillman that they didn’t fit disc brakes all round, stupid for it won’t be long before the thing is pulling to one side etc and, pre fitting new drum brakes he said how crap the brakes were.. I wouldn’t allow my family in that driving the lanes of Cornwall etc.. x
  2. This him?
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. No nonsense and very entertaining for us at home on the settee.:upyeah:
  4. Billy came to the IOM with us a few years ago, his right hand and arm are completely spannered but as you’ve seen he rides on and off road. His right ankle is fused as well meaning he cant use it to brake. Rides with a left hand throttle clutch and back brake, which used to provide massive laughs watching him try to pull away on hills, not that we ever stopped on hills on purpose.......
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 2
  5. NOODS you're thinking too much, it's only pretend for our entertainment. ;)
  6. Ah OK, so The Speedshop is the Production Company established in 2019 then :):upyeah:

  7. Sorry ... took many too Muchly hippy happy pills this morning..x
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Just spoke to Billy about the next episode, and there aint one....... Apparently they are waiting to see how it went and if the feedback is good they are going to commission a series.
    • Useful Useful x 2
  9. I’ve just downloaded it. I’ll watch it tomorrow
  10. Not heard any complaints so far, I wonder what the viewing figures were :thinkingface:
  11. I enjoyed it.
  12. Loved the Hillman more than the bike! Let's hope they get a series commisioned.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. I enjoyed it, kind of reminded me of the Sacred Steel bike series?
  14. Cross between Brian Cox & James May and just down the road in Poole

    Hope they do make more, some serious beardage going on
  15. Enjoyed it but if you want 100% bike builder without mainstream BS I would recommend this bloke
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  16. Watched it last night and quite enjoyed it.........apart from the over use of the word "mate" being thrown around at every opportunity.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Really enjoyed it, hope there are more.
  18. Don’t be so grumpy, mate
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Sod off pal :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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