848 Conrod Needed

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Arctic Silk, Jan 26, 2020.

  1. Hi all,
    I’m doing a project but I’ve run into a bit of an issue whereby the lower half of one of my conrods’ is a lot smaller than the other. See picture. The numbers match up to the upper half of the conrod so I’m not really sure what’s going on.
    Has anyone got another single conrod to sell me from an 848??

  2. Looks like the shell bearing is still fitted in the one on the right?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. :punch::joy::joy:
  4. I purchased new half shells but it doesn’t fit...fully aware that the other one has its shell fitted, but cheers though
  5. It is the one on the left that doesn’t fit when I put the shell into it. The holes for the alignment pins don’t even line up.
  6. and its about
    size and round of the big end hole,
    the size and round of the crank journal,
    the size of the bearings you use,
    and i would be wanting a balanced/matching pair..
  7. did they come apart from being fitted in an engine?
  8. The engine was already in parts so I assume it was all from the same engine. However it is not going back into a working engine so I just need any old conrod that will fit
  9. ah ok......you doing a cut away view or something?
  10. Well if anyone has a spare rod for me, please PM me
  11. Ah mystery....leave it with you:rolleyes:
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