1199 will they refresh? Would you buy a demo?

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by mill848, Oct 9, 2012.

  1. (`dealer told me it will not allow you to rev high due to running in restriction`)
    Sorry Supercharged, it defo can and does rev to the top. iv done it 3 times i think maybe for. not on purpose but when iv been `hasty`with the QS and its missed the gear into false neutral and rev to the top with all 3 stages of limiter lights flashing angrily in my grid.
    The electronic limiting of the revs during run in and on cold start up is ONLY visual and not mechanical and is intended to give the rider a visual aid of the state of the engine and to what limit Ducati has programmed what it believes is safe for different temps/serviceable miles etc. Its up to you if you adhere to it after all you are the one who bought it........which is exactly the point of this thread........
    That when you own the bike, when you have worked hard and saved or financed ur bollocks to get the bike, you will look after it. Like I do and you all probably do.

  2. Lets try a social experiment;
    You go to test ride the 1199s from ur local dealer.
    Its done 237miles.
    Its got a full tank.
    You`re in full hero kit.
    The dealer says to mind the revs and advises you to keep it in wet for a while then when you`re confident put it in sport, but not in race.
    You pull away from the forecourt.............
    Question??? And be honest, its simply a) or b), not inbetween, one or the other.
    You really intend on maybe buying this bike so want to see what its made off, after all 20k is a lot of sterling. Do you,.....

    a) Ride the bike civilized as you`ve be asked and merely experience being on the bike?

    b) Get 50 yrds down stream and put the mo-fo into race and ringe the fook out of it like an epileptic having his first wank to some flash photography?

    Me, Im gonna ride it as hard as I possible dear to and not worry about the revs cos its not my bike and i want to see what I will be buying IF I do.
  3. Personally, while trying to get a bit of a wriggle on with a demo, I still always respect that its not my bike and also that its maybe not
    bedded in yet. Also I do tend to have a bit of courtesy for the bike and the guys who have loaned me it, in the same way I would for a friend and his machine.
    I bought a demo RC8 a few years ago with just under 600miles on (150 ish of which I had done on a test ride previously) Its the only second hand bike Ive owned
    in the last 15 yrs or so, and was a catalogue of warranty claims and failures. Got fed up and sold it in the end. This may have been down to the bike, or the other
    400 odd miles and a bunch of brutal punters. Will never know for sure.

    As as aside, I rode an 1199s while waiting for a Tric that I had ordered. Was so disappointed, that I cancelled the order and stayed with my 1098R.
  4. Come on Glen thats a bit inbetween, a or b?
  5. More a) for sure, and if we have to choose one then deffo a)
  6. I do the honda race schoold every now and then. I got talking with one of the instructors last time out about the new model fireblades we were using. We had all ragged the shit out of them all day. The instructor said that at the end of the season they clean them up and stick all the road fairings/lights back on, and they are returned to dealers to be sold as 'ex demo' bikes. Now some ex demo bikes can be good value, but you have to use your head.
  7. Yes I was watching it but more due to other reasons if I'm honest. Have you got any plans regarding what GP's you fancy going to see next year Glen? If you want company just give us a shout. Nothing planned at all for next year which is a little worrying, usually have a few booked and others in mind.
  8. I put the question, basically would u rag it or nurse it on a test ride in general decisions. It may not be exact science, but Id say its wavering to 60/40 in favor of raging the bike. This still doesnt take into account the riders ability, ie he/she may be Cal Crutchlow wannabe and as good as in which case ud be happy to let em take the bike to its limits. But then again they could be, well a right s**t c**t and make a hash of everything. Now some have said `who could take it to the limits, respect for the bike` all true, probably non of us will or have tested a bike and ridden it like a c**t, for many reasons, but we all will give it some beans and some more than others for different reasons, ie balls and or ability. so the point of asking simply `a) take it for a ride, or b) ride as hard as poss` was to get a generalized view of how people ride a demo bike. Now only a few people have commented yet many more will read and think, a or b just liie many more would test ride a bike that you may buy as an ex demo.
    Anyway Mill848, food for though on the ex demo question
  9. Demo drawback:

    1. there is quit a difference between 20 people riding a dealer's bike and 1 to 3 people riding their own bike. many demo's are ridden by people who also have to find out of the bike is something they can ride.. So it gets dropped, however lightly, more.... I followed a 1200 MTS demo bike and saw it degrade faster then any second hand bike... and the price cut is not much more then you would get after picking the right stockbike and some tough negotiations...
    2. the price gap between brandnew and 1 to 2 year old is way bigger then from new to demo bike...

    I guess i would not buy a demo bike but have bought second hand many times...
  10. I bought a demo S saved £6K nearly so very happy until the bloody gear lever fell off but thats been sorted, very happy done 300 miles now done 900!!!! Its blown its residual not at my cost and the grin factor and nods and comments at last weeks Sandbach transport festival made it all worth while. Personally I think the saving is worth it? read all the comments from my post last year and thank you all for the advice and commentary:)

    Cheers Mill
  11. my first bike was a triumph daytona 675 ex demo, got a real bargain and had 10k trouble free miles was absolutely mint. nothing wrong with an ex demo imo but if i can afford new i will simple as that
  12. i did exactly that and bought a 6month old demo with 250miles on the clock for over 2 grand GBP under list, got the full 2 year warranty so more than happy :)
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