1200 Sticky Starter Button.

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Mark_h, Feb 1, 2020.

  1. The starter button on my 2013 mts started messing about. Unclamped the fwo halves and cleaned the slider contacts and all now works well electrically however the press button tends to stick a bit. Looking at the insides, there is a curved metal bracket held in with a small cross-head screw. It looks like if I take this bracket off I should be able to get the button out and give it all a big clean and possibly make the return spring a bit more effective.

    Has anyone ever taken this bracket off? Does it fire bits of switch all over the place? Im hoping to do it in situ on the bike to save getting access to the cable plug.. But if its going to explode its worth the effort to take it inside.

    Ive already tried gt85 and silicon spray so I think Im now down to a new switch or rebuilding this one.

    Any top tips?
  2. Same switch, same problem but looking to strip and fix rather than randomly squirt thing into it. Really need to know what happens after the racket gets released. Google letting me down.
  3. did you read the link? - he talks about stretching the spring. Just generalising, I found that often the constant squirting with WD40 in desperation was sometimes the root of the problem as it would make some plastics swell. I've fixed the odd sticking switch with trimming before now but don't know your switch intimately.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Hi, yes, had read it. To get at the spring you need to dismantle the switch innards and this is what I am trying to get some insight into. Ideally need to get my hands on a broken switch. Unfortunately my local dealer had nothing laying about.
  5. I don't know how far "inboard" along handlebar you have to go to unplug connector, but if you are worried about losing springs/screws (understandable) then best remove switch assy completely and dismantle on the bench etc. All I remember is needing a good range of small crosshead screwdriver bits as need to be a snug fit if never removed before.
  6. Yup. Another common fault. Lube will make it worse. Good luck but expect to get a new switch. X
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