Hyperstrada 821 Or Hypermotard

Discussion in 'Hypermotard' started by Stewarty, Feb 5, 2020.

  1. Hi Guys,

    As the title suggests I'm interested in either getting a hyperstrada or hypermotard 821 in the next few months once I get my gen 2 Tuono sold. I have had a test ride on a hypermotard 939 Sp a few years ago so I have a feel for what the bikes are about. Great looking bike and was really fun to ride, just out of my price range unfortunately.

    Having a look around at 821 prices both bikes seem priced about the same with the strada coming with screen,luggage,12v sockets,centre stand etc over the motard.

    So just after a bit of advice from anyone who has ridden both and can give a comparison. To me looking at both you are getting more for your money with hyperstrada?
  2. The hyperstrada also has a bigger capacity alternator for running your fangles off, and I think it has larger mud guards.
    I've done 30k miles on my hyperstrada, touring, track days and general hooning around (love it). I have it looking like a hypermotard, most of the time, I bought the race seat and rear seat unit from a hypermotard, small carbon screen. I just fit the Strada rear end, screen and pannier racks when I'm touring.
    Ideally I'd have bought the SP and fitted panniers etc to that, but being on the short arse side I couldn't. Also the SP would be better for trackdays as I tend to drag the pegs and brake levers.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. I used to love my Strada. You can take the luggage off and you have a Motard. The best of both worlds imo.

    I even took it back home.
  4. I tried to find a good 939 'Strada but couldn't, so got a 939 'Motard. For the 939 they're the same bike, just +centrestand, pannier mounts, touring tyres & +touring electricals for the 'Strada - just my own pre-purchase research. As ^^^^, you can run them both looking the same but have parts available for that tour.... Worthwhile getting all the facts for the 821 yourself - no clue from me. Oh, and no, I don't regret the 'Motard purchase:yum
  5. You’ve got more options with there hyperstrada both good bikes try go for the 939 better clutch and gear indicator on the dash plus more power which is noticeable over there 821
  6. Depends on what you really want to do. I had the same dilemma and settled in an 821. Added the passenger grab rail, a base plate for a top box (both from Givi) and dual USB power socket. The top box was fitted for commuting and removed for messing about. The solution worked well for me. The USB power socket was used for a GoPro and mobile phone, so not a huge power draw. I also ran a set of LED driving lights similar to those from Clearwater. Overall was very happy with the setup. Cannot comment on what the Hyperstrada offers as I never had the opportunity to play with one.
  7. Agree the clutch was terrible on the 821, there is a kit available for changing one of the plates and a beveled washer, for not much money or work to do, totally transforms the clutch feel (makes it normal)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. The clutch in my 821 was awful, like a switch. I put the 939 clutch in it and it was a different bike. :)
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  9. Thanks for the comments guys. Think I'll be happy with either bike to be honest. Will obviously just depend on what's for sale at the time and buying on condition. Everything seems interchangeable so I can customize to suit.

    After reading through a few posts seems like one of the 1st thing the 821's require is the clutch sorted. I'll keep that in mind.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Did my clutch here.
  11. Youl find the hyperstrada's are generally cheaper to buy than the hypermotard. Doesnt make much sense as its the same bike with a few (fairly expensive) accessories. And cost a fair bit more when new.
    But it must just be seen as less fashionable.
    I set out to buy my first hyper 2yrs ago and ended up with a strada as it was a good bit cheaper than the equivalent standard hyper 821
  12. Yeah that was my initial thought too. Having a look online there doesn't seem to be many Strada's for sale though, a lot less than Motard's anyway. Probably because I would imagine that the Motard sold in bigger numbers and the time of year it is.
  13. There are also 2 Hyperstrada models.
    • Standard
    • LS (Low Seat).
    Be careful you don't buy a low seat version (unless that's what you want of course)
  14. The hypermotard has longer travel suspension then both the low and standard hyperstrada. I struggled to get the motard off the sidestand never mind the SP version which is massive
  15. I'm 6ft and got a bit off a shock when I test road the 939 SP so I know what you mean :joy:
  16. Hello, do you have a link for the clutch kit upgrade for the 821, i picked mine up yesterday and its a bit scary as is.
  17. #18 DucatiScud, Sep 2, 2021
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2021
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