999 Tail wiring loom spec

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by shrunkenheed, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. HELP - 999 Tail REWIRE...

    Possible tail loom rewire but I need your advice guys. Just bought a 2004 999 and the previous owner has put on a tail tidy of sorts but the wiring is awful and the original connector block gone, replaced by bullet connectors which rub against the metal tail loom tube under the exhaust. I am looking to redo the wiring but i am unsure what amp wire to use?
    The total wattage of the tail unit is 51W divided by 12V is 4.25 Amp however, the tail unit is protected by a 20Amp fuse as other components run off - headlights etc.

    Can anyone offer me any advice on what Amp wire should I use? 8amp or over 20amp?
    Many thanks,
    #1 shrunkenheed, Apr 25, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2013
  2. Not sure but I might have a connector block ,i'll look in a mo.
    Got to pick daughter up from college
  3. Chris ,found this it came with a racefit end can I have , the bloke I bought it off used this to his rear light/indy cluster,I think its std for the 999.

    IMG_0625[1].jpg IMG_0626[1].jpg IMG_0627[1].jpg



  4. Hi Pete, that's the badger! Just what i'm after and would save me a whole heap of work if you were willing to let it go for a donation... Sorry it's a late reply but i'm having a mission with a short (?) somewhere in my R&G R Right indicator/tail tidy combo. The bulb flashes merrily when the flasher unit is unscrewed but no sooner do i mount it to the bracket it shorts out both front and rear. I'm trying to work out previous owners earth wiring but i cannot fathom out what's causing it. Bullet connectors everywhere
    Ducati seem to have a common earth but there are 3 earth wires (r & l bulb indicators and LED tail/stop light) all linked together in series going BIKE - REAR LEFT INDICATOR - REAR RIGHT INDICATOR - TAIL LIGHT but I'm not too sure if this is correct and I'm stuck. Any advice on aftermarket tail tidy wiring would be very much appreciated.
    Many thanks again, Chris
  5. Its yours for £1538 and five pence .
  6. Sounds like the wires are reversed inside the RH indicator with the live connection to the case so that when you mount it it shorts out the indicator circuit.
    There should be no series connections but they are all linked to a common point.
  7. OK OK twist my arm , threaten my kids I give in.

    PM me your postal Shrunken and I'll stick it in a cocaine lined jiffy for you. :cool:
  8. Hi Derek, Thanks for the advice. So all earths from the tail system to a single common point on the bike loom and NOT in series? I've checked the RH indicator wiring to confirm polarity and it's identical to the LH. At this time the RH indicator has electrical tape and a rubber grommet isolating the body of the indicator from touching the light/license plate bracket and it works fine. However, once the body touches the bracket it shorts. All other wires "seem" to have correct polarity...
    I have the following set up aswell as the original tail unit with the connector block cut off but i can work out the pin outs as follows. Does this sound right as the unit works but when RH indicator touches bracket it shorts.

    Bike loom Original connector block if looking at rear of bike - R&G Tail tidy

    White Pin 1 Top Right to LH flasher POS

    Blk Pin 3 Bottom Right
    to LH indicator NEG then in series to RH indicator NEG in series to Tail light NEG but will common to one point as suggested.

    Yellow Pin 4 Bottom Left
    to Tail light RED

    Grey Pin 5 Middle Left
    to Tail light YELLOW

    Green Pin 6 Top Left
    to RH flasher POS

    Pin 2 not used

    I'm beginning to pull my hair out now so any advice would be extremely appreciated.
    #9 shrunkenheed, Apr 26, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2013
  9. The diagram I have shows pin 6 not used.
    Pin1 White/Black to LH ind +ve
    Pin2 White/green to RH ind +ve
    Pin3 Black - earth to tail light and indicators
    Pin4 Grey/Red to Stop light
    Pin5 Yellow to tail light.

    From your description the earths are fine, they are all 'daisy chained' back to the same point.
    From the behaviour of the indicator it still sounds like the earth and positive wire are swapped INSIDE the indicator unit, so that it works fine when isolated by the tape but when connected to the mount the case which is live shorts to earth.
    As far as I can tell that's your only problem.
  10. Thank you for your help! i too have looked at the wiring diagram and i agree with your above pin outs although it conflicts with the pinouts/description on R&G tail tidy guide. They talk about a square connector 1-6 with 2 not used however, the photo of loom Peter sent is a flat connector. I wonder if the bike loom is different as it's a Termi' and possibly came pre-wired? Furthermore, the old tail that came as spares for the bike is maybe aftermarket too as it had an LED stop light & bulb indicators?
    I will go look at the bike and work out what comes from the connection at the start of the exhaust loom under the seat, maybe the colours correspond with the workshop manual.
    I've checked the pos and neg inside both indicators and they are identical other than the daisy chaining of earth but something is amiss somewhere. I'm thinking maybe unsolder the daisy chain to go to a common earth and start the whole ensemble again?
    thanks again!
  11. Chris the connector I've sent you, IIRC clips into it's mate under the frame above the rear master cylinder reservoir, from there it goes though the tube fixed to the underside of the o.e. or Termi endcan. then plugs straight into the housing of the rear light cluster , I no longer use mine as I use my bike for competitions so all lights and indys are off ,my o.e stuff is packed away .
    when I got the connector youve now got, i didnt even use it ,just kept it, hopefully thats all you need. :smile:
  12. Thanks Peter. I've only had the bike 2 wks and I seem to be on a fast Ducati learning curve.
    I've withdrawn the oem loom from under the exhaust and the yellow seems to be stripped in a few places where the loom has rubbed against the tube but i'm still not convinced. I'm in the process of de-soldering the R&G wiring, including indicator joints and then going to a common earth as Derek suggested rather than in series but it's not too easy with an overtired 3 year old running around.
    Many thanks to all and I'll let you know how it goes.
  13. Peter, unbelievably, the cable arrived this morning so it'll be fitted this afternoon and i'll let you know how it goes. You're a gent!
    • Like Like x 1

    R&G tail tidy RH Indicator shorting when touching mounting bracket.

    1. Changed the loom on Saturday (Thanks Peter) and soldered the cables IAW the service manual
    Pin1 White/Black to LH ind +ve
    Pin2 White/green to RH ind +ve
    Pin3 Black - earth to tail light and indicators
    Pin4 Grey/Red to Stop light
    Pin5 Yellow to tail light.

    2. The RH rear indicator on the R&G bracket is still causing problems when fully wired up to the bike and is caused when the indicator stalk is mounted to the bracket.

    3. If i don't do it up too tight on the bracket it works however, when it shorts it sparks and stops BOTH front and rear indicators working. When i undo it from the bracket both F&R indicators work again fine.

    4. i cut the earth lead to RH rear indicator and it didn't work, as it shouldn't, and front one was flashing away happily. When i reconnected the earth and it touched the bracket again BOTH F&R stopped working again!

    5. The problem is definitely caused by the indicator when mounted as i did a trial with bike ignition on, indicators working just fine and touched the stalk to the bracket and it sparked and bike sounded like it cut power to the battery as the ignition started its boot sequence again. When i mount the indicator to the frame and insulate it with electrical tape and O ring/grommets it works just fine!

    All connections checked, no reverse polarity, nothing obvious but a huge problem!

    Any advice would be very very much appreciated as it's a huge problem i can't resolve.

  15. Chris is this the O.E. tail light with an R&G number plate bracket , the Ducati cluster mounts on an ally heat shield ( sorry as said mine is packed away and I havent seen it for years) or is it a different job.
    Pics would help (me at least) I thought the Ducati stop/indy cluster was all plastic .
  16. Hi Peter, the R&G unit is a complete tail unit and replaced the Ducati plastic thing. The bracket is metal and I do have the heat shield in place between the exhaust and bracket. This is a link to the R&G website for the tail tidy.

    Ducati 749/999 Tail Tidy LP0033BK

    The Ducati stop/indy unit was all plastic. Do you think this could be an issue? The rear light/stop and LH indicator works just fine, it's just the RH indicator which is the problem.
    Of concern is that when the bracket is hanging loose, not connected by bolts to the underside of the exhaust, the RH indicator works fine and i cannot get it to short. The problem only occurs when the unit is bolted in place to the bike. The setup is as follows from top to bottom:

    Exhaust mounts
    Heat proof washer
    Termi heat shield
    R&G tail tidy held on by 4 x M6(?) bolts.

    As i said before, the problem is only when the whole unit is bolted to the bike in the above pattern and not when hanging loose. Could there be a short somewhere else? all the other parts of the tail tidy work just fine and it is only the RH that is sparking.
    Everything inside looks fine and i've even tried elec' tape inside the indicator body to no avail.
    I may try putting some rubber grommets between the heat shield and the tail bracket but then i would still have to find a way of insulating the whole tail. Maybe license plate screws?
    I am now at a complete loss.
  17. Chris, Derek has already told what is the most likely fault. You need to do a continuity check between the indcator body and the connector on the +12v lead from the indicator to confirm it. If it rings you have a short in the indicator body. Make sure that the bulb is the correct one and inspect the internals of the indicator are sitting correctly.
  18. Hi guys, it's sorted! Thank you for all your help and advice over the past week. The problem was that the tail tidy was mounted directly to the exhaust heat shield and this seemed to be causing a short in the RH indicator. After studying the OEM tail i noticed it had 4 rubber anti vibration grommets between the plates so, with a little engineering, some gnashing of teeth and umpteen cups of coffee it is now fixed and working properly. I must be honest and say i'm not too sure why it was shorting only on the RH side, it may have been dodgy internals but that has also been swopped out, so the whole thing is insulated now and no more issues. Many thanks guys and especially Peter for the new loom.
    Cheers all and enjoy the sunshine.
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