Foreign Films.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Wrecked, Feb 8, 2020.

  1. I've seen some cracking foreign films over the years although the subtitles can be a bit of a pain. Pan's Labyrinth - excellent. I'm off to see the flick Parasite next week (Oscar favourite apparently). Another good South Korean effort is Train to Busan - which is on tonight (Film4 11.15pm). Watch it if you can.
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  2. "let the right one in" is good. Also "The Consequences of Love".
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  3. not foreign as such. but Apocolypto is up there with the best.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  4. I’ve seen Train to Busan, it is a good film.
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  5. As a teenager in the 50's, I remember seeing a French film, " The sheep has five legs"... couldn't understand a bloody word, but the birds weren't 'alf nubile.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  6. Also.....

    Mustang - gotta see that.
    Das Boot
    A Prophet
    Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
    Wild Tales
    Manon des Sources
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  7. Old boy - Korean film.
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  8. Good choice of movies.
    Highly recommend A Prophet.
  9. The Handmaiden - Korean again.
  10. Train to Busan is good.

    The Hunt. Swedish.
    The two Mesrine films are worth a watch as well. French
  11. Lovely film - and the other Gepardieu one, Jean de Florette.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. French actresses.......

    Beatrice Dalle in Betty Blue

    Emmanuelle Beart in Manon des Sources

    Juliette Binoche

    Eva Green
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  13. Isabelle Huppert was excellent in Elle.
  14. Trainspotting :D
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  15. I second Betty Blue.
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  16. Betty Blue (37°2 Le Matin) is one of my favourite films of all time.

    (even though the lead reminds me of my 2nd wife - to a disturbing degree).

    The Host (Korean film) is wild and features my favourite monster.

    Bedevilled is excellent (Korean)

    Confessions (Japan) is great.

    Abre Los Ojos (Spain) (original idea behind Vanilla Sky)

    Don't Look Back (French/Italian) is fantastic.

    Kung Fu Hustle has me in stitches but watch the subtitled version, not the English dubbed.
  17. Amelie.
    Life is beautiful.
  18. Cinema Paradiso - my all-time favourite film
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  19. Up for an Oscar as I understand
    • Thanks Thanks x 2
  20. 'Das Boot' of the best war films i've ever seen.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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