Tidy 'nuff! :)

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by 470four, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. I must admit that does look pretty good
  2. £8500 He's having a Giraffe!
  3. Doubt it they cost hell of a lot more I mean look at the size of those things?
  4. That would sting on the way out!
  5. Saw it at the Stafford Show over the weekend - they have another 2x aircooled 2V specials too. The guy told me that they would be featured in this weks MCN.

    One is similar to this but in an i.e. frame. The other is a M900 frame with ST2 tank, looks much better than it sounds.
    #6 Pict, Apr 30, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2012
  6. What's he go to do with it?

    I think it is quite a good looking job, but the fairing seems extraordinarily wide.....a bit 'fat' at the front......unless it is the photo, a slimmer one would suit the bike much better.

  7. Think it looks like a lash up, the parts dont gel with each other and none of the lines flow across it.
    The nose fairing sits too high and doesn't fit properly and the jacked up tail unit is best kept for the German streetfighter market.
    I dont think the photos do it any favours though.

    Much nicer was the SC1000S on ebay that sold yesterday for around this price.
  8. I said before (before the site crashed and trashed the post!) what makes me laugh is the 'one of a kind' tag .... then in the photo's/vid there's another one :biggrin:

    ..... not knocking it; I like it ..... but I'm biased when it comes to old style bikes .......
  9. I usually like these sort of things, I've just finished a Caff Racer myself ( see thread in Other Bikes section ) but something doesn't look right, fairing looks way too big, don't like the seat iether, some bits look quality but overall I don't like it. Sorry.
  10. Dont like the fairing - do like the exhausts. Might get some made up.
    Dont like the price - a little steep.
  11. You couldn't build it for the money he is asking.....it's a chunk of change no doubt, but looks very well built.
  12. I reckon you could build better for that money!!!!
  13. Depends on your skill set, I suppose, and if you did not have to outsource much work.
  14. I quite like that. The fairing looks a little out of proportion, but the rest looks good.
  15. They took a mint '98 900SS with 709 miles under it, and butchered it??


    They could have have taken a 40,000 mile ratter and done that to it and kept the low mileage in original condition.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. I think that's a huge improvement on an IE :wink:
    • Like Like x 3
  17. I have seen better thats for sure! I am of the opinion that the carby SS tank does not lend itself well to these kind of 'Custom' conversions! a one off tank or the earlier 88-90 SS tank would perhaps be better!
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