Today I've Been Making Curries

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Robarano, Jan 26, 2020.

  1. Thanks for the head's up on Al's YT channel, it looks good, I've just started watching so will give some of the receipts a go this coming week:upyeah:
  2. Get your base gravy made Paul, then everything takes about 20 mins to make once you have it. :upyeah:
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  3. that Sophie alsop bowl is a bit gay but let us know how it goes

    not made anything yet with the gravy I made - what’s the best one you’ve done ?
  4. Ssshhhhh, Sophie is still here after dropping it off for me. o_O She'll hear you and she's not someone you want to get angry. :worried:
  5. Butter Chicken tonight. :yum

    Chicken Tikka cooked 1st. Was tremendous and it took all my will power not to start scoffing it by itself. o_O


    Then the Butter Chicken itself was very tasty. Very mild along the lines of a Korma, but I knew what to expect having had it before. :) Al reckons the recipe makes enough for 2, but I would say 3, there was loads of it. :upyeah:


    What to go for next week? :thinkingface:
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  6. High praise indeed. :) :upyeah:
  7. I made a cod Masala tonight but I cheated again. o_O

    I must get my arse in gear and make the base sauce!
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  8. I tried that base sauce and using it with other dishes. I can confirm it is shit on cornflakes
    • Funny Funny x 2
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  9. Last night I tried a Pilau Rice from my Misty Ricardo book. He calls it Special Fried Rice, but it's a very tasty vegetable pilau.

    Thoroughly recommended. :yum



    Called in to Punjabi food store on my way into the city centre today to pick up some supplies. He must have recognised my curry making prowess as when I left with my purchases, he said "Have a good day, brother" :laughing:

    The spice inventory is building up.:bucktooth:


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  10. I look at those jars and cupboard and thought......I bet they are robbo's :D
  11. :)

    Tha lad at work who started me off said it reminded him of "Eyes Wide Shut" when I showed him. I've never seen the film but think it's probably an OCD reference. :laughing:

    He says his cupboards are full of different shape jars, cans, open packets etc. o_O I didn't sleep much that night. :worried:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  12. Did his Chicken Methi last night, very tasty. :yum

    I feel another Chasni coming on this week. :)
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  13. Why did you have to mention methi ?

    I'm doing curries tonight , and one is going to be potato
    ..... and now I must have methi ...... at 3.50 on a Sunday afternoon !!
    .... Doh !
    • Love You Love You x 1
  14. Methi pretty much goes into all the curries I make, but I've never had Chicken Methi. My sister told me she sometimes orders it and I just had some time last night after a busy week to make one. It was an easy one to knock up. :) :upyeah:
  15. Made one at last / karahi chicken - brill !

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  16. I finally got around to making the BIR sauce about a week ago and then Al’s king prawn masala the other day. SWMBO knocked up a dahl to go with it and we both agreed it was the best curry we’d ever made at home. The man’s recipes work. Highly recommended and thanks for the heads up @Robarano :upyeah:
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  17. Guilty as charged

    I have several but get them from their outlet at Portsmouth - my guilty pleasure lol
  18. STAUB ????:thinkingface:
  19. I have to a
    I also have to admit my only cooking source apart from a barely used microwave & a Ikea portable induction hob is an Aga

    oh and a bbq if we have a heatwave :)
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  20. The bottom shelf is a bit messy, not really what I would have expected, you must make an effort sharpish!
    • Funny Funny x 1
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