Remember me being skinny?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by freshage, May 2, 2013.

  1. Those that have met me from the olden days of Ducatisti, know that I'm a skinny, lanky runt. Or was!

    I quit smoking 8 months ago. Just stopped from 20 a day for 9 years to nothing...

    Anyway! My leathers don't fit, I have put on over a stone since I quit! So... What's the deal with selling leathers? Worth it?

  2. Are they from a smoke and pet free home?
  3. No and no... I used to smoke in them. Well, I bought them from a non smoking friend, I smoked a couple of times in them at meets. They have been stored for ages.

    So, wouldn't mind a clean.

    They are BKS leathers. Still fairly new!
  4. How about losing that extra timber?
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  5. what size i am a skinny runt likes pics of them :smile:
  6. I'm 6'2" tall... But they would fit someone around 6' tall as they were a little small for me.

    And I'm trying to lose weight! But I eat twice what I used to and gain 3 times more!
  7. Porky prime cuts ,cut out the chinkys , get down and give me 50 private Pile. :biggrin:
  8. hey they might be alright then size wise for me if you do want to sell them send me apic and what you want for them i would be intrested
  9. I've been fighting the flab. My girlfriend and I are on LotusLite+ tablets from Amazon. 60 for £60, 1 a day to kill appetite and shrink the stomach. This is the 2nd week and they're working. The plan is to take them for a month to get used to less food then carry on without them.
  10. Chris you were like a bean stalk and hairless last time I saw you!!!!
  11. I need to loose so much!
  12. Interesting! My sister is one of those fitness freak girls with like a million abs and swim in fake tan stuff and get on stage pumping iron to show off... She is a whole foot shorter than me yet has abs and is toned... I just have one big ab, alot of money went into it! Many pints and pizzas.

    So, these tablets, any side affects? I am going to start running again but sadly, after 9 years of 20 a day and suddenly stopping, it's caused asthma. Which is annoying! I was more fit when I smoked!

    I know! I weighed around 11 stone, 6'2" tall haha. I still have very short hair. But I now weigh just shy of 13 stone... And all that weight has gone to my belly.
  13. I know the feeling :-/
    I'm sure it will drop off once back on the bike
  14. Yep..well worth selling leathers. I sold a pair on ebay last year and recouped 50% of the purchase price...and I'd had them for 5 years. Otherwise they just gather dust and take up space. Just sold another pair last week too.
  15. You can lose weight, bit harder to lose lung cancer.
    Well done for knocking them on the head, not easy! :upyeah:
  16. Yep straight onto the tank. :biggrin:
  17. 13 stone for 6'2" is fine, if it's the right sort of 13 stone...

    You can swim - that'll be very good for you (and you may cough less). You can also convert the fat to muscle by working out with weights (on the magic machines at some gym). This does not require body building, or zillions of reps. Twice 40 mins a week will do it. The increased muscle will raise metabolic rate burning more fat too. It's all win-win.
  18. It's not a good weight gain... It's fat, pure fat, not muscle so yea... Swimming is a good idea, the place I used to go to has a gym there as well. Guess 2 sessions a week wouldn't hurt, 20 minutes swimming and 40 minutes gym. Would be easier if I had a Multistrada to get me there :p
  19. So, these tablets, any side affects? I am going to start running again but sadly, after 9 years of 20 a day and suddenly stopping, it's caused asthma. Which is annoying! I was more fit when I smoked!...................................Read up on them, If you contact the company and they'll send you 2 to try. I've had a slight headache at times and feel a bit spaced like the day after being up all night, but not out of it. The effects aren't so pronounced on 2nd week. We're using the 'plus' capsules that are allegedly stronger but the same price. 100% natural ingredients, lotus leaf,green tea(caffeine),collagen,adzuki beans,radish,poria. From uk company. I was very sceptical but they do seem to kill my appetite. We're taking them Mon-Fri and having a few treats at the weekend. I've lost about half a stone in 3 weeks but that involved a bit of self control too.
    #19 900streetfighter, May 3, 2013
    Last edited: May 3, 2013
  20. The best, healthiest way to lose weight is to work at 60% to 70% of your maximum heart rate for extended periods of time.

    It isn't quick or easy but it'll make you lose weight, live longer and feel better.

    A heart rate monitor watch can be bought for around £20.

    You calculate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220.

    Start of with 20 minutes of exercise in the target zone, 3 times per week.

    Add on 5 minutes each session until you get to the 1 hour point. Then work on increasing intensity to counter increasing fitness (so decreasing HR for the same power output)

    If you like running, run. If you have bad knees use a bike or join a gym and use their equipment. If you want to swim then swim.

    Eat healthily and cut down on fags and booze. You can keep the fags but it'll be harder.
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